1 min

Cost of living Life during the war: what part of the salary do Ukrainians spend on rent?

Life during the war: what part of the salary do Ukrainians spend on rent?

Renting a home in Ukraine during the war has become almost a luxury for Ukrainians. Find out what percentage of the average Ukrainian's salary is spent on rent in the largest cities of Ukraine and where it is most profitable to live

04 Dec. 2023

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For refugees The amount of refugee benefits may increase in the Czech Republic next year: details

The amount of refugee benefits may increase in the Czech Republic next year: details

From the beginning of 2024, the Czech authorities are considering increasing the payment for Ukrainian refugees. Find out more about how much they will pay

03 Dec. 2023

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1 min

Transport Fines for drivers in Poland in winter: amounts increased

Fines for drivers in Poland in winter: amounts increased

Winter fines in Poland apply not only to driving rules, but also to warming up the engine and clearing the car of snow. Find out more about the current restrictions and how much the fines have increased compared to last year

03 Dec. 2023

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1 min

Finance Corruption in Ukraine: what do Ukrainians think about bribes?

Corruption in Ukraine: what do Ukrainians think about bribes?

The problem of corruption in Ukraine remains a hot topic among citizens. According to the survey, more than 50% of respondents believe that bribery is widespread and difficult to avoid. Learn more about the wide range of citizens' views on the problem of corruption in Ukraine and different attitudes towards bribes in society

03 Dec. 2023

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2 min

Transport How to navigate the Polish railways?

How to navigate the Polish railways?

Buying and refunding tickets, as well as finding timetables and the right train in Poland is often a challenge. Find out all about the peculiarities of Polish railways on intercity and international routes

03 Dec. 2023

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2 min

Finance How many declarations have Ukrainian civil servants filed since the beginning of the war?

How many declarations have Ukrainian civil servants filed since the beginning of the war?

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the NACP has not controlled the timely submission of declarations by officials. However, Ukrainian public officials have filed almost a million declarations during this period. Find out more about how the number of submitted declarations has changed and whether it is necessary to report on the submission of declarations today

02 Dec. 2023

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2 min

Popular EU membership: how long did it take between the start of negotiations and accession?

EU membership: how long did it take between the start of negotiations and accession?

Ukraine has received the green light to start negotiations on joining the European Union, but this does not mean quick membership. Find out how much time passed between the start of negotiations and the actual accession of other countries to the EU

02 Dec. 2023

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2 min

Popular New Year 2024: what animal will become a symbol and what color will bring good luck

New Year 2024: what animal will become a symbol and what color will bring good luck

The New Year 2024 is approaching, and according to the Eastern calendar, the Green Wooden Dragon will be its mascot. In Chinese astrology, this animal carries energy and is considered one of the most powerful signs. Find out more about how to prepare for the New Year 2024 celebration and what colors will bring good luck and success

02 Dec. 2023

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