2 min

For refugees Which German states continue to host Ukrainians in November: addresses of camps

Which German states continue to host Ukrainians in November: addresses of camps

Many federal states of Germany are already refusing to accept new refugees due to the limited number of places. As the situation is subject to change, it is important to familiarize yourself with the information on available camps in advance. Find out more about which German states continue to accept Ukrainians in November 2023

20 Nov. 2023

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2 min

Travel Traveling for 29 euros: top of the most convenient train routes in Europe

Traveling for 29 euros: top of the most convenient train routes in Europe

Rail routes sometimes not only provide an opportunity to discover the beauty and diversity of European cities and natural landscapes, but also significantly save your budget. Find out more about the best train routes between European cities

20 Nov. 2023

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3 min

Popular Where to go for Christmas in Ukraine?

Where to go for Christmas in Ukraine?

Christmas is considered one of the greatest holidays in Ukraine. It's a unique holiday filled with the magic of love and hope, and Ukrainians celebrate it with their families and friends. Find out more about where to go to spend an unforgettable Christmas

20 Nov. 2023

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3 min

For foreigners in UA How to obtain an immigration permit to Ukraine after the expiration of a contract with the AFU?

How to obtain an immigration permit to Ukraine after the expiration of a contract with the AFU?

Foreigners who have joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine have the right to immigrate to Ukraine after the expiration of their contract. Find out what is required to obtain a permanent residence permit in Ukraine after serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and how to apply for immigration

20 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Finance What is known about the legalization of cryptocurrencies in Ukraine and what will be the tax?

What is known about the legalization of cryptocurrencies in Ukraine and what will be the tax?

The Verkhovna Rada has registered draft law No. 10225-1 on the circulation of virtual assets in Ukraine. Find out what tax conditions will be in place for businesses operating in the field of virtual assets and what else will change for individuals and legal entities

20 Nov. 2023

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2 min

Transport How to pay for parking in Kyiv: detailed instructions

How to pay for parking in Kyiv: detailed instructions

Paying for parking in Kyiv has become easier thanks to a number of convenient services that offer a quick and efficient solution to this issue. Find out more about how to use online payment and whether it is possible to do it directly at the parking lot

19 Nov. 2023

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Health Why do Ukrainians come to Ukraine for medical treatment from abroad?

Why do Ukrainians come to Ukraine for medical treatment from abroad?

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian refugees regularly come to Ukraine for a short period of time, and one of the reasons they travel to a country where war is ongoing is to visit doctors. Find out why Ukrainians temporarily residing in Europe choose to be treated in Ukraine

19 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Finance Germany will increase payments to Ukrainians in 2024: how much will they be paid

Germany will increase payments to Ukrainians in 2024: how much will they be paid

Starting next year, Ukrainian citizens living in Germany can expect an increase in financial assistance. According to the approved resolution, the standard amounts of social assistance and Bürgergeld payments will increase from January 1. Find out more about how much will be paid

19 Nov. 2023

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