2 min

Popular Best cities to live in Poland: which settlements are in the top of the list

Best cities to live in Poland: which settlements are in the top of the list

In Poland, the comfort of life is determined by factors including the quality of the living environment, development, etc. The country offers a variety of opportunities for improving living standards, as well as picturesque natural landscapes. Find out more about the best cities in Poland for comfortable living

10 Aug. 2023

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3 min

Entry rules How many foreigners entered Ukraine during the war: an interview with a representative of the Border Guard Service

How many foreigners entered Ukraine during the war: an interview with a representative of the Border Guard Service

The dynamics of foreigners crossing the Ukrainian border is constantly changing. Find out how many foreigners crossed the border in both directions and for what purpose, as well as how the number of refusals to enter Ukraine has changed

10 Aug. 2023

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2 min

War How men with dual citizenship in Ukraine can travel abroad: 2023 rules

How men with dual citizenship in Ukraine can travel abroad: 2023 rules

Since the introduction of martial law in Ukraine and restrictions on men liable for military service from traveling abroad, the question of traveling abroad in case of dual citizenship has arisen. Find out if men with dual citizenship can travel abroad

10 Aug. 2023

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2 min

Travel Which airlines received the most complaints about baggage transportation: updated rating

Which airlines received the most complaints about baggage transportation: updated rating

Ryanair, British Airways, and EasyJet top the passenger dissatisfaction rating for baggage handling. Find out what other airlines customers are dissatisfied with and what can help keep your luggage safe while traveling

10 Aug. 2023

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2 min

Way to Victory Peace plan in Saudi Arabia: what was discussed and what was achieved?

Peace plan in Saudi Arabia: what was discussed and what was achieved?

Representatives of 40 countries discussed the Ukrainian peace formula in Saudi Arabia. Find out what the results of the two-day Saudi talks were and who made an important step for Ukraine's victory

10 Aug. 2023

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Entry rules Why are russians fleeing to Ukraine during the war?

Why are russians fleeing to Ukraine during the war?

More than 1.5 years after the full-scale war, russian citizens continue to attempt to enter the territory of Ukraine. Find out more about how many russians have managed to get into Ukraine and what their goals are

09 Aug. 2023

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3 min

War Mine clearance in Ukraine: what new solutions has the government proposed?

Mine clearance in Ukraine: what new solutions has the government proposed?

Ukraine has become the most mined country in Europe, and therefore the problem of demining is very acute. Find out how Ukraine will solve this problem and what new solutions have already been implemented

09 Aug. 2023

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2 min

Transport Ukraine has closed 280 bus routes to Poland and russia: what is the reason?

Ukraine has closed 280 bus routes to Poland and russia: what is the reason?

Ukraine has launched systemic changes in international bus transportation. Find out which flights were included in the first wave of verification and what to expect after the reform is completed

09 Aug. 2023

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