1 min

Finance Loss of billions of dollars every month: how mass migration has affected the Ukrainian economy

Loss of billions of dollars every month: how mass migration has affected the Ukrainian economy

Ukraine's economy suffers losses of approximately $2 billion every month due to the mass migration of Ukrainians who have become refugees and are forced to live and work abroad. Find out if the government plans to return citizens home

03 Aug. 2023

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3 min

Popular US elections in 2024: which candidates do not support Ukraine?

US elections in 2024: which candidates do not support Ukraine?

Joe Biden is currently leading the field of candidates for the US presidency in 2024, but the situation can change at any time. Find out how voters feel about Ukraine and which of them are against supporting the country

03 Aug. 2023

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2 min

Travel Ukrainian towns you've never heard of before but should see with your own eyes

Ukrainian towns you've never heard of before but should see with your own eyes

There are hundreds of small but unique towns in Ukraine that impress with their unspoiled beauty. Find out about the places that are a real treasure for travelers who want to discover new pages of history, local culture and immerse themselves in the cozy atmosphere of ancient times

03 Aug. 2023

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2 min

Popular How to get to Ukraine from Georgia: convenient routes by car or plane + train/bus

How to get to Ukraine from Georgia: convenient routes by car or plane + train/bus

Ukraine's airspace is still closed, so to make your trip comfortable and fast, you need to plan your route in advance. Find out how easy it is to get to Ukraine from Georgia and what you need to cross the Ukrainian border

03 Aug. 2023

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2 min

Popular When will Ukrainians and the world be able to enjoy Kherson watermelons again?

When will Ukrainians and the world be able to enjoy Kherson watermelons again?

On August 3, the world celebrates International Watermelon Day, but for Ukrainians, this date has a special meaning. Find out why Kherson watermelons have become a national symbol of Ukraine and what is happening to the region's agricultural sector now

03 Aug. 2023

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2 min

Travel No luggage and internet: popular airlines introduce new services for passengers

No luggage and internet: popular airlines introduce new services for passengers

New services of popular airlines are expected to start working in the near future and make traveling even more comfortable for passengers. Find out more about what innovations to expect for travel enthusiasts

02 Aug. 2023

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3 min

Transport Car rental in Ukraine for foreigners: everything you need to know to rent a car

Car rental in Ukraine for foreigners: everything you need to know to rent a car

Foreigners can rent a car in Ukraine for their own needs, but there are certain nuances to consider. Find out what requirements are imposed on foreign drivers, what you need to rent a car, and what companies and cars are best to choose

02 Aug. 2023

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3 min

Popular Provocations on the Polish border: Do Lukashenka's intimidation of Wagnerites pose a real threat to Poland?

Provocations on the Polish border: Do Lukashenka's intimidation of Wagnerites pose a real threat to Poland?

In recent weeks, the number of Wagnerites on the territory of Belarus has increased significantly, as has the number of provocations by Lukashenka. Find out what the mercenaries are trying to achieve with intimidation and how Poland is preparing for possible military threats

02 Aug. 2023

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