2 min

War How Ukraine's counteroffensive is progressing: Deepstate map review, liberated territories, important victories at the front

How Ukraine's counteroffensive is progressing: Deepstate map review, liberated territories, important victories at the front

In recent weeks, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have liberated more territories than russia seized in 2023. Find out what's happening on the front lines, where the Ukrainian army has made the most progress, and what victories we can already talk about on the front

13 Jul. 2023

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2 min

Finance Payments for IDPs have been extended, but not for all: who will no longer be able to receive assistance

Payments for IDPs have been extended, but not for all: who will no longer be able to receive assistance

Ukraine has changed the procedure for payments to internally displaced persons. Find out who will be affected by the changes and who will lose state aid

13 Jul. 2023

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3 min

Way to Victory Results of the NATO Summit: what did Ukraine expect and what did it get in Vilnius?

Results of the NATO Summit: what did Ukraine expect and what did it get in Vilnius?

The meeting of NATO leaders in Vilnius did not meet all of Ukraine's expectations, but did the July summit become a second Bucharest? Find out what the impact of the announced security guarantees will be and how the Vilnius summit changed Ukraine's future

13 Jul. 2023

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Popular Which countries currently host the largest number of refugees from Ukraine and how many of them will return if Ukraine joins NATO

Which countries currently host the largest number of refugees from Ukraine and how many of them will return if Ukraine joins NATO

Surprisingly, Poland is no longer the leader in the number of Ukrainian refugees. Find out where Ukrainians have temporarily settled and what percentage of them have expressed their readiness to return to Ukraine if it becomes a NATO member

12 Jul. 2023

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3 min

Transport How to get to Ukraine from Poland without standing in lines: the nearest airports and the most convenient routes by train, bus, or car

How to get to Ukraine from Poland without standing in lines: the nearest airports and the most convenient routes by train, bus, or car

The Ukrainian-Polish border is chosen by the vast majority of people when entering Ukraine. That's why there are always long queues at these checkpoints. Find out how to get to Ukraine from Poland quickly and conveniently by public transport and your own car, avoiding long waits at the border

12 Jul. 2023

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War Updated rules for joining the International Legion of Ukraine for foreigners: simplified procedure, current requirements, application instructions

Updated rules for joining the International Legion of Ukraine for foreigners: simplified procedure, current requirements, application instructions

In recent months, the number of applicants to join the International Legion of Ukraine has increased several times. Find out about the current requirements for candidates and how to apply for membership under the simplified procedure

12 Jul. 2023

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Events World Flight Attendant Day: what is the state of Ukraine's civil aviation and where are Ukrainian planes and crews now?

World Flight Attendant Day: what is the state of Ukraine's civil aviation and where are Ukrainian planes and crews now?

The skies over Ukraine have been closed for two years now, but Ukrainian planes continue to serve tourists around the world. Find out what's happening with Ukraine's civil aviation and whether Ukrainian flight attendants have a chance to celebrate their professional day

12 Jul. 2023

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2 min

Popular Renting a house in Germany: all about the search, cost and pitfalls of renting an apartment

Renting a house in Germany: all about the search, cost and pitfalls of renting an apartment

Almost everyone looking for housing in Germany faces problems already at the stage of looking at available options. Find out how much it costs to rent an apartment, where to look for apartments, which cities are the best to rent in, and what unexpected additional costs are associated with renting

12 Jul. 2023

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