2 min

Transport New international trains to/from Ukraine: details of routes and refunds for Ukrzaliznytsia trains

New international trains to/from Ukraine: details of routes and refunds for Ukrzaliznytsia trains

Ukrzaliznytsia is launching new international direct flights to and from Ukraine. Find out where you can get to in a matter of hours, when to expect the start of ticket sales, and how to get a full refund for returning tickets

06 Jul. 2023

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3 min

Culture Top 9 books about the war in Ukraine that will help you understand the realities of Ukrainians and the russian invasion

Top 9 books about the war in Ukraine that will help you understand the realities of Ukrainians and the russian invasion

Ukrainian writers and the military have been actively documenting the russian invasion since 2014. Find out about the top books that tell about the real events that took place in Ukraine and will help you better understand today's war

06 Jul. 2023

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3 min

Travel Is it cheap to travel in Ukraine and is it safe to going now?

Is it cheap to travel in Ukraine and is it safe to going now?

The incredible beauty of Ukrainian nature attracts thousands of foreign tourists despite the security situation in the country. Find out whether it's worth traveling to Ukraine now and how much it will cost

06 Jul. 2023

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1 min

Transport Queues at the border of Ukraine: waiting time at checkpoints and checking the workload

Queues at the border of Ukraine: waiting time at checkpoints and checking the workload

The Border Guard Service warns of an increase in queues at Ukraine's borders. Find out about the current workload of checkpoints and recommendations for crossing the border to avoid queues

06 Jul. 2023

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2 min

War If russia blows up ZNPP: what not to do

If russia blows up ZNPP: what not to do

In the event of an accident at ZNPP, it is important to remain calm and act clearly and deliberately. Find out what not to do and how to save your life and health in the event of a nuclear disaster

06 Jul. 2023

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2 min

Work Salary in Poland: how much will Ukrainians earn after the minimum wage is raised?

Salary in Poland: how much will Ukrainians earn after the minimum wage is raised?

For the second time in 2023, Poland has revised its minimum wage. Find out what salary increase Ukrainians can expect and in which areas there are currently the most vacancies

06 Jul. 2023

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2 min

Documents Marriage in Ukraine for foreigners: peculiarities of the registration process and required documents

Marriage in Ukraine for foreigners: peculiarities of the registration process and required documents

It is very easy to get married in Ukraine, but the registration of an "international" marriage and a marriage in time of war has its own peculiarities. Find out what a foreigner needs to apply to the registry office and how long this procedure takes

05 Jul. 2023

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2 min

War The Day of Liberation of Kramatorsk and Sloviansk: how it happened and how the cities live today

The Day of Liberation of Kramatorsk and Sloviansk: how it happened and how the cities live today

On July 5, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Liberation of Kramatorsk and Sloviansk from russian militants. Find out how the events unfolded in 2014 and what is happening in the liberated cities today

05 Jul. 2023

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