1 min

Popular Which photos from Ukraine were included in Time's list of the best photos of 2023?

Which photos from Ukraine were included in Time's list of the best photos of 2023?

Time magazine has published the 100 best photos of 2023, and 9 photos from Ukraine made the top list. Find out more about which photos became iconic this year and who the authors of these photos are

02 Dez. 2023

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2 min

BusinessUA High returns on investments in Bali: dispelling myths with Anton Taranenko

High returns on investments in Bali: dispelling myths with Anton Taranenko

Real estate in Bali has become extremely popular among those looking for a place to invest. In this article, Anton Taranenko, CEO of ANTA Group, an international developer with more than 10 years of experience in the real estate market, spoke in detail about the main trends in the real estate market in Bali, key aspects of investment potential and real returns on investment in Bali

01 Dez. 2023

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge Czech Republic extends temporary protection for Ukrainian refugees: details

Czech Republic extends temporary protection for Ukrainian refugees: details

The Czech government has taken an important step and extended temporary protection for Ukrainian refugees. This decision was approved by the Czech parliament in the draft law Lex Ukrajina XI on December 1. Find out more about how long Ukrainians can now legally stay in the country

01 Dez. 2023

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1 min

Cost of living What will be the minimum wage in 2024?

What will be the minimum wage in 2024?

Next year's minimum wage is set out in a new draft law passed by the Verkhovna Rada. In particular, it is planned to increase the subsistence minimum, which will significantly affect the amount of benefits, minimum wage and pension. Find out more about what the minimum wage will be in 2024

01 Dez. 2023

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3 min

Popular Besonderheiten der Unternehmensanmeldung für Ausländer in der Ukraine: Was müssen Sie wissen?

Besonderheiten der Unternehmensanmeldung für Ausländer in der Ukraine: Was müssen Sie wissen?

Zahlreiche Ausländer sind daran interessiert, in der Ukraine ein Unternehmen zu gründen, obwohl sich das Land immer noch im Krieg befindet. Erfahren Sie mehr über die wichtigsten Merkmale und Vorteile einer Unternehmensanmeldung in der Ukraine

01 Dez. 2023

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1 min

Covid Three regions of Ukraine may be quarantined due to COVID-19: what do we know?

Three regions of Ukraine may be quarantined due to COVID-19: what do we know?

The incidence of coronavirus is growing in Ukraine, and in some regions the number of cases has already exceeded the epidemic threshold. Find out where the situation is most difficult and what restrictions may be introduced in the regions

01 Dez. 2023

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2 min

Popular The most influential people of 2023 and why did Zelensky become a dreamer?

The most influential people of 2023 and why did Zelensky become a dreamer?

Politico's 2023 Most Influential People ranking has identified Volodymyr Zelenskyy as a defining figure in the "Dreamers" category. In particular, the publication also recognized the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Andriy Yermak, as one of the best politicians. Learn more about the most influential people in Europe and who topped the list this year

30 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Transport One of the French cities introduces free travel on Christmas Eve

One of the French cities introduces free travel on Christmas Eve

A picturesque city in the south of France is taking an important step in public transportation by introducing free travel on trams and buses. This initiative, which starts on Christmas Eve, defines a new stage in the development of urban mobility and becomes part of a large-scale environmental project. Find out more about where and when the fare will be free

30 Nov. 2023

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