3 min

Für Flüchtlinge Mit welchen Problemen sind Ukrainer im Ausland am häufigsten konfrontiert?

Mit welchen Problemen sind Ukrainer im Ausland am häufigsten konfrontiert?

Millionen von Flüchtlingen aus der Ukraine sind seit mehr als anderthalb Jahren gezwungen, sich im Ausland niederzulassen, und stehen dabei vor vielen rechtlichen Problemen. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Probleme, mit denen sich ukrainische Flüchtlinge am häufigsten an Anwälte wenden

27 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge Homes for Ukraine's difficulties: why thousands of Ukrainian refugees in Britain may lose their homes this winter

Homes for Ukraine's difficulties: why thousands of Ukrainian refugees in Britain may lose their homes this winter

The situation of Ukrainian families living in the UK is becoming more complicated and threatens to make them homeless this winter. Find out more about the likelihood of Ukrainians becoming homeless in the country during the cold season

26 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Transport How to get compensation after an accident abroad and where to go?

How to get compensation after an accident abroad and where to go?

An accident can happen at the most unexpected moment, either on the way to work or while traveling. However, people experience even more stress when they get into an accident outside their home country. Find out what to do in the event of an accident abroad and how to get compensation

26 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Travel Ukrzaliznytsia announces the launch of a new train to Vienna: details

Ukrzaliznytsia announces the launch of a new train to Vienna: details

UZ has set ambitious plans for the future, announcing the launch of online ticket sales for a direct train to Vienna by the end of 2023. In addition, as part of innovative changes, Ukrzaliznytsia will introduce a new train on the Chop-Vienna route. Read more about the updates in this article

26 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Finance Grant program for women in business: what is known

Grant program for women in business: what is known

Ukraine is launching an educational and grant program called "Pochatok" for women entrepreneurs. Learn more about free training and the amount of grants offered to Ukrainian women starting out in business

26 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Travel The cheapest Christmas market destinations in Europe 2023

The cheapest Christmas market destinations in Europe 2023

Traveling on Christmas Eve can be not only magical, but also quite economical, providing an unforgettable experience of holiday cheer in various parts of the world. Find out more about the most budget-friendly Christmas destinations in Europe this year

25 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Transport Neue Züge von Polen nach Deutschland: Verbindungen und Abfahrtszeiten?

Neue Züge von Polen nach Deutschland: Verbindungen und Abfahrtszeiten?

Die Zugverbindung zwischen Polen und Deutschland ist bei Reisenden besonders beliebt, weshalb die PKP im Dezember zwei neue Züge einführen wird. Finden Sie heraus, wo Sie mit dem Zug an- und abreisen können und wie lange die Reise dauern wird

25 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Popular Ukraine is among the top 3 countries with the cheapest Internet: rating

Ukraine is among the top 3 countries with the cheapest Internet: rating

Ukraine can boast of the availability and affordability of Internet services, being among the top three countries with the cheapest Internet. Find out more about which countries have the most expensive internet and what is the average internet speed in Ukraine

25 Nov. 2023

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