1 min

Popular Which international brands and companies have already returned to Ukraine?

Which international brands and companies have already returned to Ukraine?

The full-scale invasion of russia forced international companies to suspend their operations in Ukraine, but many of them have already returned. Find out which companies have resumed operations despite the war and who Ukrainians are still waiting for in Ukraine

25 Nov. 2023

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Ausbildung English will become compulsory in Ukraine: what will change

English will become compulsory in Ukraine: what will change

The English language is about to undergo a significant upgrade in Ukraine, as the Verkhovna Rada has approved a bill that grants it the status of one of the languages of international communication in public spheres. Find out more about the important changes that will occur in various aspects of society

24 Nov. 2023

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Veranstaltungen When to celebrate St. Nicholas and Christmas 2023: new dates of church holidays in December

When to celebrate St. Nicholas and Christmas 2023: new dates of church holidays in December

Recently, the Orthodox and Ukrainian Greek Catholic Churches switched to the new Julian calendar, changing the dates of some holidays. Find out more about when Ukrainians celebrate St. Nicholas, Christmas and other important church holidays in December

24 Nov. 2023

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2 min

Travel How to get to Ukraine from Japan: convenient routes and useful tips for foreigners

How to get to Ukraine from Japan: convenient routes and useful tips for foreigners

The skies over Ukraine are currently closed, making it difficult to travel. However, the land borders remain open. We have prepared the most convenient ways to come to Ukraine for those traveling from Japan

24 Nov. 2023

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2 min

Popular Latest news from Kyiv and the region: digest of events

Latest news from Kyiv and the region: digest of events

Despite the war, life in Kyiv is still going strong, and several important changes have taken place over the past week. Find out which innovations have already come into force and which ones should be expected in Kyiv and Kyiv region in the near future

24 Nov. 2023

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Popular Electricity shortages began in Ukraine even before russia's attacks on infrastructure: what happened

Electricity shortages began in Ukraine even before russia's attacks on infrastructure: what happened

Ukraine's power grid has already experienced a shortage of electricity, forcing Ukrenergo to bring in emergency assistance from Slovakia, Poland, and Romania. Find out what the state of the power system is and whether massive blackouts will begin in the near future

24 Nov. 2023

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1 min

BusinessUA Ukraine allows insuring investments of Ukrainian and foreign companies against war risks

Ukraine allows insuring investments of Ukrainian and foreign companies against war risks

The government has authorized war risk insurance for investments of both Ukrainian and foreign companies. According to the adopted draft law, the Export Credit Agency (ECA) is authorized to insure against risks associated with armed aggression, hostilities and terrorism. Find out more about how it works

23 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Travel The best day to buy tickets for Black Friday: when are the most favorable prices

The best day to buy tickets for Black Friday: when are the most favorable prices

Friday is often considered the most profitable day for shopping during Black Friday discounts. However, according to aviation market experts, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the "black" day itself, but also to a certain period in order to take maximum advantage of the reduced prices. Find out more about the best time to buy airline tickets

23 Nov. 2023

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