2 min

Popular How might the demographic situation in Ukraine change after the war?

How might the demographic situation in Ukraine change after the war?

Military operations entail a number of consequences, and some of them are not obvious. Find out why, according to scientists, there will be more men than women in Ukraine after the war and what this may lead to

26 Jul. 2023

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Finance Ukrainians do not want to pay taxes: the study showed the main reasons

Ukrainians do not want to pay taxes: the study showed the main reasons

Sociologists have conducted a survey and found out why most Ukrainians are unwilling to pay taxes. Find out more about what else is the reason besides low incomes

26 Jul. 2023

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Regeln für die Einreise How to come to Ukraine from Turkey: convenient routes and border crossing rules

How to come to Ukraine from Turkey: convenient routes and border crossing rules

Due to the war, Ukraine's airspace is closed, so you need to carefully consider your route. Find out more about how to get from Turkey to Ukraine and travel tips

26 Jul. 2023

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Popular What does Ukraine's accession to the EU mean for business: prospects and risks

What does Ukraine's accession to the EU mean for business: prospects and risks

Ukraine's European integration is the basis for significant changes, both at the legislative and economic levels, and for businesses and ordinary Ukrainians. Find out what awaits Ukrainian entrepreneurs after joining the EU and whether business is ready for these changes

26 Jul. 2023

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Travel Places of Ukraine shrouded in legends

Places of Ukraine shrouded in legends

Ukraine is full of places shrouded in mystery, eerie legends and mystical phenomena. Many researchers are still unable to explain this. Find out about the mysterious places in Ukraine that you need to see with your own eyes

26 Jul. 2023

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1 min

Krieg Ukrainian refugees can help in economic recovery: why it is so important to return them home

Ukrainian refugees can help in economic recovery: why it is so important to return them home

Mass migration of citizens has become one of the most severe blows to the economic situation. Find out how refugees can affect the economic recovery of Ukraine and what steps are planned to motivate people to return home

25 Jul. 2023

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Travel Fines of up to 3000 euros on the beaches of Spain: what not to do while on vacation

Fines of up to 3000 euros on the beaches of Spain: what not to do while on vacation

Many cities in Spain have quite interesting "beach restrictions" and non-obvious rules regarding recreation on the coast. Here's what you should know to avoid paying a hefty fine for violations

25 Jul. 2023

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3 min

Regeln für die Einreise Entry to Ukraine for foreigners in 2023: answers to the most frequently asked questions from Visit Ukraine lawyers

Entry to Ukraine for foreigners in 2023: answers to the most frequently asked questions from Visit Ukraine lawyers

When planning a trip to Ukraine, foreigners face a lot of questions about the rules of entry and stay in the country. Find answers to the most frequently asked questions from our team of migration lawyers

25 Jul. 2023

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