2 min

Transport The border with Slovakia may also be closed: what is known about the blockade of carriers

The border with Slovakia may also be closed: what is known about the blockade of carriers

After Polish carriers started blockading Ukrainian border crossing points, carriers from Slovakia announced their intention to join them. Find out what is happening at the borders now and whether the parties will reach an agreement in the near future

17 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Documents How to make an appointment at the consulate: the authorization mechanism for enrolling in the E-Cherha-in has been updated

How to make an appointment at the consulate: the authorization mechanism for enrolling in the E-Cherha-in has been updated

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is updating the authorization mechanism for enrolling in the E-Cherha-in Queue to improve access to consular services. Find out more about how the registration procedure for Ukrainians abroad will now work

16 Nov. 2023

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2 min

Der Weg zum Sieg Ukraine announces opening of airport during the war: how possible is it?

Ukraine announces opening of airport during the war: how possible is it?

During his visit to the United States, Presidential Chief of Staff Andriy Yermak announced that one of Ukraine's airports may be opened for civilian flights. Find out more about how this can happen in time of war

16 Nov. 2023

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2 min

Transport Can I drive a car with tinted windows abroad and what are the rules in Ukraine?

Can I drive a car with tinted windows abroad and what are the rules in Ukraine?

Car window tinting is a popular way to ensure privacy and protection from sunlight while traveling. The rules for car tinting in Ukraine are determined by clear regulations. Find out what rules apply to car owners in Ukraine, what penalties are imposed for violations, and whether you can drive abroad with tinted windows

16 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Documents EU-Rat beschließt neue Regeln für die Online-Beantragung von Schengen-Visa

EU-Rat beschließt neue Regeln für die Online-Beantragung von Schengen-Visa

Digitale Plattformen für die Beantragung eines Schengen-Visums werden bald zur Verfügung stehen, da der Europäische Rat die Einführung eines neuen Systems befürwortet hat. Erfahren Sie, was sich für Reisende ändert und wie Sie ein Visum online beantragen können

16 Nov. 2023

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3 min

Krieg Wie konnten ukrainische Soldaten innerhalb eines Monats im Dorf Krynky Fuß fassen und was ist als nächstes zu erwarten?

Wie konnten ukrainische Soldaten innerhalb eines Monats im Dorf Krynky Fuß fassen und was ist als nächstes zu erwarten?

Die Operation der ukrainischen Streitkräfte am linken Ufer des Flusses Dnipro in der Oblast Cherson dauert nun schon einen Monat an und gewinnt allmählich an Fahrt. Erfahren Sie, wie es den ukrainischen Soldaten gelungen ist, einen Brückenkopf zu schaffen, und welche Schritte als nächstes zu erwarten sind

16 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge Switzerland will simplify employment of Ukrainian refugees: what will change

Switzerland will simplify employment of Ukrainian refugees: what will change

Ukrainians in Switzerland will find the process of labor regularization much easier. The Swiss government plans to abolish the mandatory work permit previously issued by local authorities. Find out more about the updates that will be waiting for refugees in the country

15 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Popular Ukrainian airline SkyUp launches transcontinental flights from European cities

Ukrainian airline SkyUp launches transcontinental flights from European cities

SkyUp's new initiative is aimed at meeting passenger demand for exotic and popular destinations. The launch of transcontinental flights from Europe strengthens the Ukrainian carrier's position as an innovative partner for travelers. Find out more about how to buy tickets for new flights

15 Nov. 2023

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