2 min

Krieg Was geschieht im Saporischschja-Sektor, in Awdiwka und am linken Ufer des Dnipro?

Was geschieht im Saporischschja-Sektor, in Awdiwka und am linken Ufer des Dnipro?

Die Besatzungsarmee stürmt seit einigen Wochen die Außenbezirke von Awdijiwka, und am linken Ufer der Region Cherson wurde schweres ukrainisches Gerät gesichtet. Finden Sie heraus, was jetzt an der Front passiert und wer die Initiative ergreift und vorrückt

09 Nov. 2023

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Popular Fast and convenient: from now on, permission for a child to travel abroad can be issued in Diia

Fast and convenient: from now on, permission for a child to travel abroad can be issued in Diia

An innovation in the Diia app expands the capabilities of users by allowing them to apply for a temporary permit for their child to travel abroad. Now, thanks to this innovative service, parents can quickly and easily obtain the necessary document without leaving their homes. Learn more about how to do it

09 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Transport German 49 euros travel card will be extended next year: will the price be raised

German 49 euros travel card will be extended next year: will the price be raised

The 49 Euro Deutschland ticket will remain valid in Germany next year. However, certain changes are planned that will affect the conditions for using this ticket, as well as its cost. Find out more about what is planned to be changed for use

09 Nov. 2023

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2 min

Krieg Ukrainian Donetsk: How russia destroyed a city that once refused Stalinization

Ukrainian Donetsk: How russia destroyed a city that once refused Stalinization

The city of Donetsk, which is located in eastern Ukraine, has not always borne its current name. Previously, it was called Stalino, in honor of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. Find out why the city was renamed and how important it was and still is to Ukraine

09 Nov. 2023

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Transport You can now buy a ticket for the Kyiv-Warsaw train only through Diia: details

You can now buy a ticket for the Kyiv-Warsaw train only through Diia: details

Train №67/68 is one of the most popular trains in Ukraine, and therefore it is almost impossible to get tickets for this flight. Find out how Ukrzaliznytsia solved the problem of overbuying and how to buy tickets through Diia.Signature

09 Nov. 2023

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Popular The European Commission officially recommends starting negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU: what are the next steps?

The European Commission officially recommends starting negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the EU: what are the next steps?

Ukraine's path to the EU continues, and the European Commission has recently released a report on Ukraine's progress towards membership. Find out more about the key findings and further conditions necessary for Ukraine's accession to the EU

08 Nov. 2023

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Documents Rules for entering Ukraine in 2023: do Belgian citizens need a visa?

Rules for entering Ukraine in 2023: do Belgian citizens need a visa?

Belgians can enter Ukraine on the basis of a visa-free regime, but in some cases they will still need to apply for a visa. Find out all about the current rules for entering Ukraine and useful travel tips for foreigners

08 Nov. 2023

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Krieg Volunteering in Ukraine: how to obtain a permit and documents for foreign volunteers

Volunteering in Ukraine: how to obtain a permit and documents for foreign volunteers

Volunteering in Ukraine opens up opportunities for foreigners who want to help and support Ukrainian society. However, there are certain procedures for obtaining permits and documents for foreign volunteers. Lawyers of law firm "Pravova Dopomoga" provide professional advice and support during this process. Read more about obtaining a permit in our material

08 Nov. 2023

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