2 min

BusinessUA The war in Ukraine has forced hundreds of businesses to move to safe locations: where companies most often relocated to

The war in Ukraine has forced hundreds of businesses to move to safe locations: where companies most often relocated to

Ukrainian businesses can take advantage of the Ministry of Economy's program of relocation to safer regions. Learn more about how many companies have already relocated to other regions and how to do it

25 Okt. 2023

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1 min

Der Weg zum Sieg We continue our support: Overview of Visit Ukraine's recent donations to the military

We continue our support: Overview of Visit Ukraine's recent donations to the military

Today, each of us understands that supporting Ukrainian soldiers is an integral part of bringing the long-awaited Victory closer. That's why the VU team continues to organize fundraisers and help the military. In this article, we share how we were able to help our defenders thanks to your support

25 Okt. 2023

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Krieg War in Ukraine: Is Ukrainian air defense ready to repel new russian attacks on the energy sector now?

War in Ukraine: Is Ukrainian air defense ready to repel new russian attacks on the energy sector now?

The Ukrainian government emphasizes that russia is preparing for new combined attacks on the energy sector and has already started using new "lawnmower" drones for this purpose. Find out if Ukraine is able to protect its skies from massive attacks this winter

25 Okt. 2023

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Regeln für die Einreise What can be imported and exported from Ukraine: customs rules for crossing the border

What can be imported and exported from Ukraine: customs rules for crossing the border

One of the key functions of the customs authorities is to control the movement of goods and personal belongings across the border. In order to avoid troubles and confiscation when crossing the border of Ukraine, it is important to be aware of and follow customs rules. Find out what you can import or export to/from Ukraine and which goods are subject to prohibitions or restrictions

25 Okt. 2023

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge Irish government plans to significantly reduce support for refugees from Ukraine: what will change

Irish government plans to significantly reduce support for refugees from Ukraine: what will change

Ireland is considering cutting back on its support program for Ukrainians who have taken refuge in the country since the start of the full-scale invasion. In particular, they are considering limiting free accommodation and cutting social benefits. Read more about the changes in this article

25 Okt. 2023

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Culture Who is a military chaplain and what role does he play in war?

Who is a military chaplain and what role does he play in war?

Military chaplains fight alongside other soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but in the spiritual sphere. Find out more about chaplaincy in Ukraine, what are the main tasks of military clergy and why their role at the front is also important

25 Okt. 2023

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Ausbildung More freedom and the abolition of part-time education: changes in the higher education system are being prepared in Ukraine

More freedom and the abolition of part-time education: changes in the higher education system are being prepared in Ukraine

Ukraine is preparing to introduce significant changes in higher education. According to the new draft law, higher education will be adapted to European standards, and students will have much more opportunities for their education and choice. Find out more about what will change and when the updates will come into force

24 Okt. 2023

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1 min

Krieg Men want to allow men to leave Ukraine for money: how it will work and at what stage of the bill

Men want to allow men to leave Ukraine for money: how it will work and at what stage of the bill

The Verkhovna Rada has registered a bill to amend the rules for crossing the border during martial law. The document proposes to allow all men to travel abroad. Find out what conditions are offered to persons liable for military duty

24 Okt. 2023

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