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Documents Men abroad who ignore data updates in the TCC will not be able to obtain a driving licence

Men abroad who ignore data updates in the TCC will not be able to obtain a driving licence

Ukrainian men who currently reside abroad and have not updated their data in the TKK will be restricted from obtaining a driver's licence in the country of their residence. Find out more about the services that will no longer be available

14 Aug. 2024

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Popular A temporary checkpoint will be opened on the border with Poland

A temporary checkpoint will be opened on the border with Poland

An additional crossing point will be opened on the border with Poland from August 16 to 17 as part of the European Neighborhood Days. Find out when and where you can use the additional crossing point in the Belzka Hromada

14 Aug. 2024

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Transport Fines for transporting animals in a car: details of the draft law

Fines for transporting animals in a car: details of the draft law

Many drivers transport their pets in cars. Find out more about the draft law that provides for punishment for improper transportation of animals in cars and how to safely place four-legged animals in a vehicle

13 Aug. 2024

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Popular Trump interviewed by Ilon Musk: talked about Ukraine and lied about two dozen times

Trump interviewed by Ilon Musk: talked about Ukraine and lied about two dozen times

Donald Trump returned to Twitter (X) and gave an interview to the owner of the social network, Ilon Musk. In the conversation, the former US president again made a number of loud statements about the war in Ukraine, but also did not do without false statements. Find out what he said and what false statements were noticed by journalists

13 Aug. 2024

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Veranstaltungen The 11th Race in Vyshyvanka will take place in Kyiv: date and how to register

The 11th Race in Vyshyvanka will take place in Kyiv: date and how to register

The Vyshyvanka Run is an annual patriotic event that brings together thousands of Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine around the world. In 2024, it will take place in Kyiv as part of the Independence Day celebrations. Find out more about the race start time, location and how to participate

13 Aug. 2024

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3 min

Für Flüchtlinge Ireland for Ukrainians in 2024: how to apply for temporary protection, main changes for refugees and financial support

Ireland for Ukrainians in 2024: how to apply for temporary protection, main changes for refugees and financial support

Ireland continues to support Ukrainian refugees fleeing their homes due to Russian aggression. In 2024, the Irish Government has slightly changed the conditions for Ukrainians to stay, in particular, financial assistance to refugees has been reduced. Find out how much payments in Ireland will be reduced from September 2024 and other important details

13 Aug. 2024

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Travel Travelling by car in Europe: a trip from Poland to Germany

Travelling by car in Europe: a trip from Poland to Germany

You need to prepare for every trip by car in advance, especially if it is a trip to another country. Find out more about convenient routes from Poland to Germany, travelling time and top cities of interest in Germany

13 Aug. 2024

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Regeln für die Einreise Visa application for entry to Ukraine for foreigners: list of documents, visa requirements and cost

Visa application for entry to Ukraine for foreigners: list of documents, visa requirements and cost

Ukraine has not restricted foreigners from visiting its territory during martial law. However, the scrutiny of foreigners' documents at the border requires foreign citizens to be aware of the legal nuances and security issues. Find out how a foreigner can properly and safely plan their visit to Ukraine

13 Aug. 2024

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