
2 мин

12 ноя. 2024


Как украинец может эмигрировать в Норвегию: все о визах, требованиях, разрешениях на проживание и работу

Как украинец может эмигрировать в Норвегию: все о визах, требованиях, разрешениях на проживание и работу

Норвегия считается одной из самых удачных стран для постоянного проживания. Здесь развитая инфраструктура, доступное обучение и большое количество рабочих мест. Узнайте все этапы эмиграции украинцев в Норвегии - от получения временной визы до оформления на работу

Консультация юриста по вопросам миграции
Консультация юриста по вопросам миграции

Ukrainians who have moved to Norway can stay there permanently. In addition, there is a certain percentage of those who currently live in Ukraine and plan to move abroad. Read the article for information on the need and types of visas, requirements for emigrants, residence and work permits.

1. Do Ukrainians need a visa?

Norway is part of the Schengen area. Ukraine has a visa-free regime with it. You can stay in Norway for 90 days within each 180-day period if you have a biometric passport. If you plan to stay in Norway for a longer period, you need to apply for one of the following types of visa

- a tourist visa;

- business visa.

For those who wish to travel from Norway to Ukraine in 2024, we recommend using the information on the Visit Ukraine portal.

2. What requirements must Ukrainians meet to emigrate to Norway?

- Have a permanent or long-term residence permit in Norway;

- be married for at least 7 years to a Norwegian citizen or be his/her registered partner/cohabitant;

- have lived in Norway for at least 7 years in the last 10 years (if there is no partnership/marriage);

- know the Norwegian language (complete at least 300 hours of Norwegian language training and pass certification exams);

- be of good character (provide information on the absence of a criminal record and compulsory psychiatric treatment);

- pass a citizenship test (have knowledge of the culture and laws of the country).

Please note! Health insurance is mandatory for visiting/residing in European countries . You can do this by following the link.

3. How do I get a permanent residence permit in Norway?

First, you can obtain a temporary residence permit with the possibility of further obtaining a long-term or permanent residence permit.

Temporary permits are of the following types:

- Residence permit for work - required if you have a confirmed job offer from an employer;

- residence permit for studies - for those who have entered an educational institution in Norway;

- family reunification permit - Ukrainians can join relatives who have a residence permit or are citizens of Norway;

- Humanitarian permit - for those who need asylum for humanitarian reasons.

Detailed instructions on how to obtain a residence permit in Norway after the expiry of temporary protection can be found on the Visit Ukraine portal.

Please note! It is mandatory to obtain a Green Card motor insurance policy to enter European countries . You can do this by following the link.

How to get a work permit in Norway?

The largest number of vacancies is offered by the Arbeidsplassen portal.

A large share of vacancies is published on the main Norwegian classifieds website Finn.no in the Jobb section, as well as on the websites and catalogues of private employment agencies.

If you get a job in Norway, you automatically become a member of the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme from the first day of work. NAV is responsible for your rights to family benefits, pensions, healthcare and much more.

For more information for Ukrainian refugees in Norway, including temporary protection and social support, please visit Visit Ukraine.

You can get advice at each stage of migration, check or prepare a package of documents, conclude an agreement with an employer and solve other complex legal issues by following the link.

Earlier, we talked about the cost of living in Norway: how much does it cost to rent a house, buy groceries and transport.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

We recommend purchasing it for a safe and comfortable trip to Ukraine: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance – insurance covering military risks for entry and travel in Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Car Insurance – car insurance with extended coverage in Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Legal Advice – comprehensive legal support on entry to Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Tickets – bus and train tickets to/from Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Tours – the largest online database of tours to Ukraine for every taste;

Visit Ukraine Hotels – hotels for a comfortable stay in Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Merch – patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

© 2018-2024, Visit Ukraine. Use, copying or reprinting of materials on this site is permitted only with a link (hyperlink for online publications) to Visit Ukraine.

All rights reserved.

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