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27 Jan. 2024


Mobilization Abroad: Will the Czech Republic Bring Men Subject to Military Service Back Home?

Czech Republic
Mobilization Abroad: Will the Czech Republic Bring Men Subject to Military Service Back Home?

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the Czech Republic has provided shelter to thousands of Ukrainians. Among them are men of military age. Find out more about whether the Czech government plans to return Ukrainians liable for military service to their homeland

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The Czech Foreign Minister, Jan Lipavsky, explained the plans for Ukrainian military personnel currently in the country. According to ČT24, approximately 200 thousand Ukrainians currently reside in the Czech Republic on various types of visas.

Does the Czech government plan to return Ukrainians liable for military service?

Minister Lipavsky noted that the country has no legal mechanisms to send conscientious objectors back to Ukraine. He noted that such actions would not be in line with international law and the obligations that the Czech Republic has in the international arena.

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He also emphasized that Ukrainians need a valid Ukrainian passport to obtain visa extensions in the Czech Republic. The procedure for obtaining a new passport can be carried out at the migration office in Prague. However, it is important to keep in mind that representatives of the service may require a valid military ID card from men.

We remind you! In the light of recent events, it is important to consider the issue of mobilization of citizens liable for military service residing abroad. In particular, the Estonian government has stated that it has no plans to extradite men liable for military service living in the country to Ukraine. Find out more about the reasons for this decision.

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