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18 Aug. 2024


Green Card for a car: how to calculate the price yourself?

Green Card for a car: how to calculate the price yourself?

A Green Card is insurance for travelling abroad by car. This document is not only mandatory, but also useful, as the policy provides reliable protection for every car owner. Find out more about how to calculate the price of insurance on your own and how to quickly purchase a Green Card online

Insurance policy Green card for traveling abroad by car
Insurance policy Green card for traveling abroad by car

A Green Card is a compulsory insurance policy that guarantees reliable protection abroad. It provides coverage for damages caused to other road users in the event of an accident. Read on to find out how to find out the price and take out insurance quickly.

Green Card insurance: how does it work?

If you have a Green Card, the insurance company compensates you for any damage that may be caused abroad by a car that has a policy. It's important to remember that damage caused to third parties is covered, but the coverage does not apply to the culprit of the accident. This means that if you hit someone else's car abroad, the insurance company will pay money to the other party to the accident, not you.

It is impossible to leave Ukraine without a Green Card for a car with Ukrainian registration, because the border will check for a valid policy.

How much does a Green Card cost: calculate the price online

To quickly and easily calculate the price of a Green Card for your vehicle, you need to use a special calculator and enter the following data:

● country of destination;

● insurance period (from 1 month to 1 year);
● type of vehicle (car, motorcycle or scooter, truck, trailer or truck semi-trailer);
● date of commencement of insurance.

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How to buy a Green Card online?

On the Visit Ukraine portal, you can take out a Green Card policy from a licensed insurer. Packages are available for different periods from 15 days to 1 year for cars and trucks, trailers and semi-trailers for trucks, as well as motorcycles and scooters.

Also, purchasing a Green Card on the Visit Ukraine portal ensures a fast and convenient process. You can easily fill in the necessary forms online, without any paperwork or trips to the offices.

In addition, we offer competitive prices and transparent conditions. You can be sure that you pay a fair amount for quality service and protection of your trip.

Advantages of applying for a Green Card on Visit Ukraine

● Reliable insurance policy for a vehicle: car, motorcycle or scooter, truck, bus, trailer or semi-trailer for a truck.

● The cost of the policy is fixed for European countries.

● Registration in the MTIBU database (Motor Transport Insurance Bureau of Ukraine).

● Coverage for damage caused to life or health of third parties.

● Coverage of losses caused to third parties.

● Coverage of expenses in the event of an accident.

Remember. Car insurance is mandatory both for driving on the roads of Ukraine and for travelling abroad by car. Find out how to save money on insurance in 2024 and quickly buy a policy online here.

Photo: Freepik

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

Are you planning a trip to Europe by car? A Green Card from Visit Ukraine is your reliable protection on European roads. Fast processing, affordable prices and complete peace of mind while travelling. Apply for a Green Card and enjoy a safe trip abroad!

Do you have additional questions? Contact the Visit Ukraine hotline (Telegram | WhatsApp).

Our recommendation for a safe and comfortable trip: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance - insurance for a safe stay abroad without unnecessary expenses;

Green Card - compulsory car insurance for traveling abroad;

Visit Ukraine Tickets - book tickets for buses, trains, and airplanes to/from Ukraine and between cities around the world;

Private Lawyer service - professional legal support on visa and migration issues;

Visit Ukraine Merch - buy patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

© 2018-2024, Visit Ukraine. Use, copying or reprinting of materials on this site is permitted only with a link (hyperlink for online publications) to Visit Ukraine.

All rights reserved.


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Muss ich in einem anderen Land eine zusätzliche Versicherung abschließen?

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In welchen Ländern ist die Grüne Karte gültig?

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