Ukrainians in Italy: employment and payment of up to 1 thousand euros to the unemployed

The Italian agency Assolavoro, together with the trade unions Nidil Cgil, Felsa Cisl, and Uiltemp, helps Ukrainians under temporary protection with social and labor adaptation in Italy. Services are provided to holders of a residence permit for international protection (refugee status and subsidiary protection), temporary or special protection, or to those who have been issued a similar document by the Questura pending the issuance of one of the aforementioned residence permits.
Find out all about the rules for obtaining a work visa, its types and the documents required here.
• informational meetings aimed at getting to know the Italian labor market and the jobs that can be found through the service
• assessment of skills for referral to further education (Italian courses, professional training courses)
• basic Italian courses (course participants receive a reimbursement of food and accommodation costs, and are also entitled to a daily hourly rate of 3.50 euros/hour. At the end of the training course, one-time assistance of 1000 euros is paid)
• vocational training courses (similar financial assistance is provided if it has not already been received after the completion of the basic Italian course).
Ukrainians who are taking a vocational training course or have found a job through the employment service are entitled to access some absolutely free social services. Services are provided through the intermediary body Ebitemp.
- kindergarten in the amount of up to 150 euros, for children under 3 years of age (monthly)
- education
• payments for the purchase of educational materials and books for children (200 euros)
• payments for the purchase of books or other educational materials for students attending evening courses (200 euros)
• payments to pay the university fee (200 euros)
• payments for the purchase of books or other educational materials for student trainees of the 1st and 3rd levels (200 euros)
- purchase of goods necessary for the care of a child whose age does not exceed 3 years, in the amount of up to 800 euros
- psychological assistance received by such persons or members of their families, up to 200 euros per person
More information about receiving employment benefits is available on the website of the Service.
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