1 min

Finance Grant program for women in business: what is known

Grant program for women in business: what is known

Ukraine is launching an educational and grant program called "Pochatok" for women entrepreneurs. Learn more about free training and the amount of grants offered to Ukrainian women starting out in business

26 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Popular Which international brands and companies have already returned to Ukraine?

Which international brands and companies have already returned to Ukraine?

The full-scale invasion of russia forced international companies to suspend their operations in Ukraine, but many of them have already returned. Find out which companies have resumed operations despite the war and who Ukrainians are still waiting for in Ukraine

25 Nov. 2023

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1 min

Finance How much did Ukrainians' salaries increase in 2023?

How much did Ukrainians' salaries increase in 2023?

The State Statistics Service has released a report on the nominal salary of Ukrainians in 2023. Find out what forecasts the NBU and the government are making and where Ukrainians are currently paid the most

12 Nov. 2023

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2 min

Popular Ukraine on Google Maps: how can entrepreneurs add their business to the map?

Ukraine on Google Maps: how can entrepreneurs add their business to the map?

After a year-and-a-half break, Ukrainian entrepreneurs can once again use the Google Business service and add their establishments and companies to the map. Learn how to use the service and add your business to Google Maps

11 Sep. 2023

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3 min

Popular Attitudes toward owning a business: how do Ukrainian and European youth differ?

Attitudes toward owning a business: how do Ukrainian and European youth differ?

Young people in Ukraine prefer self-employment, while European youth, for the most part, want to work for hire. Find out what is the attitude towards business in Ukraine and the EU and why Europeans do not want to start their own business

07 Aug. 2023

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3 min

Regeln für die Einreise What do you need to know before traveling to Ukraine?

What do you need to know before traveling to Ukraine?

Traveling, and especially moving to Ukraine, is primarily associated with a lot of questions. Learn all about the rules, documents, prohibitions and restrictions, as well as tourism and life in Ukraine for foreigners

08 Jul. 2023

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2 min

Für Flüchtlinge Poland is facing a shortage of workers from Ukraine: where are Ukrainian refugees going

Poland is facing a shortage of workers from Ukraine: where are Ukrainian refugees going

According to the latest expert reports, Poland is facing a slowdown in the economy and labor market, as well as rising inflation. Find out how Ukrainians have reacted to the changes and why Poland is facing a shortage of workers from Ukraine

09 Jun. 2023

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2 min

Popular Work in the field of beauty: which beauty profession can be mastered abroad within 2-5 days

Work in the field of beauty: which beauty profession can be mastered abroad within 2-5 days

Many Ukrainians temporarily living abroad or deciding to stay in another country are looking for a job. As you know, the beauty business is one of the most popular nowadays. Here you can master your dream work in a flash. Discover the beauty professions that you can learn abroad within days

17 Jan. 2023

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