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Travel Border crossing will become faster: what do we know about the new scanners?

Border crossing will become faster: what do we know about the new scanners?

Recently it became known that the situation at the border may soon improve. Thanks to new devices that have been delivered to customs officers, the procedure for checking citizens should become faster. Find out more about the new portable scanning systems and how they will affect the queues at the border

29 Aug. 2024

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Krieg Which Carpathian peaks are off limits in 2024? List of prohibited mountains and other hiking routes in western Ukraine

Which Carpathian peaks are off limits in 2024? List of prohibited mountains and other hiking routes in western Ukraine

In 2024, Ukraine, and the Carpathians in particular, will be banned from visiting some peaks and routes due to security measures. Find out which mountains can be visited and which remain closed to tourists, and how to get permission to hike in the border area

29 Aug. 2024

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3 min

Transport How much does it cost to rent a car in Ukraine in different cities?

How much does it cost to rent a car in Ukraine in different cities?

Car rental often becomes a suitable solution for various trips and trips. After all, car rental users in Ukraine do not need to pay driver's fees, spend money on maintenance, or take out additional insurance. Find out the price of car rental in different cities of Ukraine to calculate your trip correctly

29 Aug. 2024

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Popular Temporary protection in Belgium in 2024: rules of entry and stay

Temporary protection in Belgium in 2024: rules of entry and stay

Currently, more than 45,000 Ukrainian refugees live in Belgium. Temporary protection for them, as well as for residents of other EU countries, has been extended until March 2026. Find out about the conditions of entry, residence, education and healthcare for Ukrainians in Belgium in 2024

29 Aug. 2024

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Travel How to get to Ukraine from Switzerland in 2024: convenient routes and entry rules

How to get to Ukraine from Switzerland in 2024: convenient routes and entry rules

In 2024, there are no restrictions on entering Ukraine for foreigners, but travel may be complicated due to closed airspace. We talk about the most convenient routes from Switzerland to Ukraine and the current rules for crossing the border

29 Aug. 2024

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Documents How to check the status of a residence permit in Ukraine: step-by-step instructions

How to check the status of a residence permit in Ukraine: step-by-step instructions

Checking the status of a residence permit in Ukraine is a simple and important step for foreigners. Find out how to check the status of your application online and what to do if the information is not displayed

29 Aug. 2024

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Insurance Mini CASCO insurance: how to calculate the cost of the policy on your own?

Mini CASCO insurance: how to calculate the cost of the policy on your own?

Mini CASCO is a voluntary car insurance that can be taken out by Ukrainians and guests of the state. Find out more about the insurance, how the policy works and how to calculate the cost online

28 Aug. 2024

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Finance Ukrainians will be officially restricted to transfer from card to card: when and what limit will be set?

Ukrainians will be officially restricted to transfer from card to card: when and what limit will be set?

The National Bank of Ukraine has restricted p2p transfers for individuals. Find out when the restrictions will come into force, what consequences it will have and what to expect from the new rules

28 Aug. 2024

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