2 min

Krieg Ukraine has created a ballistic missile: what it can be and why it is so secretive

Ukraine has created a ballistic missile: what it can be and why it is so secretive

The Ukrainian army has successfully tested its own ballistic missile, which could take strikes against russian military facilities to a new level. Although the missile programme is strictly classified, military analysts have tried to describe Ukraine's new armament

28 Aug. 2024

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1 min

Documents Ukrainians will be able to get a driver's license in the Netherlands: details of the CBR application

Ukrainians will be able to get a driver's license in the Netherlands: details of the CBR application

Previously, refugees from Ukraine were not eligible for a Dutch driver's license, but now the rules are changing. Find out when Ukrainians will be able to pass the exams and get a license in the Netherlands

28 Aug. 2024

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3 min

Travel How to get from Ukraine to Croatia by car: route, necessary documents and everything you need to know

How to get from Ukraine to Croatia by car: route, necessary documents and everything you need to know

If you are planning a trip from Ukraine to Croatia by your own car, you should choose a convenient route in advance and get acquainted with the rules for drivers in the country. Find out more about the necessary documents for crossing the border, convenient routes from different cities of Ukraine and the main provisions of the traffic rules in Croatia

28 Aug. 2024

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3 min

Insurance Health insurance for foreigners entering Ukraine: when is it needed and how much does treatment cost without an insurance policy?

Health insurance for foreigners entering Ukraine: when is it needed and how much does treatment cost without an insurance policy?

Health insurance for foreigners in Ukraine is a mandatory document for obtaining a long-term visa, as well as in some other cases provided for by the country's legislation. Find out why and what kind of insurance policy becomes a necessity for foreigners staying in Ukraine during martial law

28 Aug. 2024

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2 min

Documents Can refugees in the EU continue to use a Ukrainian driver's license if it is expired?

Can refugees in the EU continue to use a Ukrainian driver's license if it is expired?

Ukrainian refugees can use their driver's license even if it is expired, but not in all cases. Find out what conditions must be met and how this is affected by a new Ukrainian government regulation

28 Aug. 2024

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2 min

Finance Welche ukrainischen Flüchtlinge haben Anspruch auf eine Rente in Deutschland: Klärung

Welche ukrainischen Flüchtlinge haben Anspruch auf eine Rente in Deutschland: Klärung

In der ukrainischen Gemeinschaft kursieren Gerüchte über die Möglichkeit, ab dem 50. Lebensjahr eine deutsche Rente zu erhalten. Doch was sind die tatsächlichen Voraussetzungen? Erfahren Sie, wie Ukrainer in Deutschland rentenberechtigt sind und welche Voraussetzungen erfüllt werden müssen

28 Aug. 2024

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2 min

Documents How to register a trademark in Ukraine and abroad: terms and conditions

How to register a trademark in Ukraine and abroad: terms and conditions

Trademark registration is a key aspect of intellectual property protection that ensures exclusive rights to use a brand. How and where you register your trademark determines the security of your business and its competitiveness in the market. Find out more about how to go through the registration procedure in Ukraine, Europe and the USA

27 Aug. 2024

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2 min

Transport Legalisation of medical cannabis in Ukraine: can I drive after taking it?

Legalisation of medical cannabis in Ukraine: can I drive after taking it?

Ukraine has recently legalised the use of cannabis for medical purposes. Find out more about whether you can drive after taking medical cannabis and what the consequences are for drivers who break the rules

27 Aug. 2024

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