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Transport How to recognise a drowned car: useful tips for drivers

How to recognise a drowned car: useful tips for drivers

Buying a drowned car is always a lottery. Despite the low price of such cars, the risk of facing serious problems in the future is very high. Find out more about what experts advise, how to recognise a car that has been drowned and whether it can be restored

22 Aug. 2024

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge New payments for Ukrainians in Poland: who can receive and how to register

New payments for Ukrainians in Poland: who can receive and how to register

A six-month aid project for Ukrainians has started in Poland. The projects are supported by two organisations that will disburse funds in different voivodeships. Find out which Ukrainians will be able to receive assistance and where to fill in the application form

22 Aug. 2024

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Transport Speed limits in Poland: what you need to know about sectional meters on the roads

Speed limits in Poland: what you need to know about sectional meters on the roads

Recently, it has been announced that new sectional speed meters will soon appear on Polish roads to regulate traffic and improve safety. Find out more about the devices, how they work and where they are installed

22 Aug. 2024

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2 min

Popular The Government has changed the procedure for mobilization of persons liable for military service who care for the sick and disabled: details

The Government has changed the procedure for mobilization of persons liable for military service who care for the sick and disabled: details

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has made significant changes to the mobilization procedure concerning persons liable for military service who are caring for sick relatives or persons with disabilities. Learn more about the changes, which are intended to simplify the process of obtaining a deferment for such persons, reduce the number of bureaucratic procedures and eliminate unnecessary requirements

22 Aug. 2024

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Krieg U.S. Embassy warns of increased risk of russian attacks ahead of Ukraine's Independence Day

U.S. Embassy warns of increased risk of russian attacks ahead of Ukraine's Independence Day

The U.S. Embassy has issued a warning to its citizens in Ukraine regarding the increased threat from russia. Learn how to prepare and ensure your safety in case of an emergency

22 Aug. 2024

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Travel Independence Day events in Ukraine and around the world: where to go on 24 August?

Independence Day events in Ukraine and around the world: where to go on 24 August?

Jede Stadt in der Ukraine feiert am 24. August den Unabhängigkeitstag. Alle verbündeten Länder gratulieren dem heldenhaften Staat. Finden Sie heraus, welche Veranstaltungen zum Unabhängigkeitstag Sie in der Ukraine und auf der ganzen Welt besuchen können

22 Aug. 2024

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Travel How to get to Ukraine from India in 2024: convenient routes, entry rules and useful tips

How to get to Ukraine from India in 2024: convenient routes, entry rules and useful tips

In 2024, there will be no restrictions on entry into Ukraine for foreigners. However, the airspace still remains closed, so the travel route should be planned in advance. Find out how to get to Ukraine from India and what border crossing rules are relevant this year

22 Aug. 2024

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2 min

Finance Important aspects of the tax obligations of individual entrepreneurs: sources of payment, refunds and avoidance of penalties

Important aspects of the tax obligations of individual entrepreneurs: sources of payment, refunds and avoidance of penalties

Tax issues for individual entrepreneurs require care and knowledge. Find out which accounts you can use to pay taxes, how to refund mistakenly paid funds, avoid penalties for late payment, and answers to other common questions

22 Aug. 2024

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