1 min

Krieg International Day of the Family: What trace the war leaves in the hearts of Ukrainians

International Day of the Family: What trace the war leaves in the hearts of Ukrainians

Today, on May 15, Ukrainians mark the International Family Day on their calendars. Unfortunately, for the second year in a row, this holiday has been very painful for our citizens. Find out more about how the realities of war have affected Ukrainian families who have lost their homes and their normal lives

15 Mai. 2023

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3 min

Popular russia's crimes with a thousand-year history: how muscovy tried to appropriate Kyivan Rus

russia's crimes with a thousand-year history: how muscovy tried to appropriate Kyivan Rus

The myths spread by russia about the emergence of Ukraine have nothing to do with reality. Find out more about when Ukraine came into being and why russian federation emerged thanks to Ukrainians, and not vice versa

15 Mai. 2023

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2 min

Der Weg zum Sieg How many Ukrainians believe in victory by 2024: survey results

How many Ukrainians believe in victory by 2024: survey results

Predictions from experts and the military about when the war will end vary. Find out more about the percentage of Ukrainian citizens who believe that the war will end with our victory by 2024

15 Mai. 2023

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3 min

Popular Glory to Ukraine! - the history of the slogan and its significance during the war

Glory to Ukraine! - the history of the slogan and its significance during the war

Today, the slogan "Glory to Ukraine" is heard in all corners of the world. But not everyone knows that it has a unique and interesting history. Find out more about the origin of the slogan and its meaning before and during the war

14 Mai. 2023

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2 min

Veranstaltungen Eurovision 2023: this year's winners and the importance of the contest for Ukraine

Eurovision 2023: this year's winners and the importance of the contest for Ukraine

The final of the international song contest Eurovision took place yesterday. Find out more about the winners and the importance of the contest for Ukraine

14 Mai. 2023

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3 min

Der Weg zum Sieg The phenomenon of Ukrainian resilience: what helps the people of Ukraine to fight unbreakably

The phenomenon of Ukrainian resilience: what helps the people of Ukraine to fight unbreakably

Unfortunately, war leaves an irreparable mark on the psyche of every person. Find out more about how and why Ukrainians continue to persevere despite the constant threat of russia's armed aggression

14 Mai. 2023

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge Hundreds of Ukrainian refugees in Britain may lose their homes: what is known

Hundreds of Ukrainian refugees in Britain may lose their homes: what is known

More than 300 Ukrainian refugee families who have taken refuge in the UK may lose their homes and end up on the streets. Find out more about the reasons for this and how the UK government plans to solve the problem

14 Mai. 2023

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge Free medical centre for Ukrainians opened in Warsaw: how to make an appointment

Free medical centre for Ukrainians opened in Warsaw: how to make an appointment

A free medical centre for refugees from Ukraine has recently opened in Poland. Find out more about how to register and what services are available at the clinic

13 Mai. 2023

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