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Ausbildung Learn foreign languages for free on the Akelius platform: details

Learn foreign languages for free on the Akelius platform: details

Ukrainians who have moved to other countries have the opportunity to learn foreign languages for free on the Akelius platform. Learn more about which languages are available for learning and how to use the platform

21 Jan. 2023

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1 min

Transport Free trains for evacuation from de-occupied territories: timetable

Free trains for evacuation from de-occupied territories: timetable

Evacuation trains continue to run daily from dangerous regions of Ukraine to the central and western regions. Learn more about timetables and financial aid for war victims

21 Jan. 2023

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Krieg Military registration abroad: is the deportation of men to Ukraine real

Military registration abroad: is the deportation of men to Ukraine real

In Ukraine, a new procedure for keeping military records of conscripts, conscripts and reservists was approved. In particular, it became known about new rules for men who are abroad. Find out more about whether embassies will issue summonses and can deport men to Ukraine during mobilization

21 Jan. 2023

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1 min

Popular Ukrainians in Switzerland: which mobile applications will facilitate their stay in the country

Ukrainians in Switzerland: which mobile applications will facilitate their stay in the country

Ukrainians who have moved to Switzerland or found temporary shelter in the country may not be able to navigate the area. Learn more about which mobile applications on your smartphone will make your stay in the country easier

20 Jan. 2023

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge Card A, or temporary protection in Belgium: how to extend the validity period and financial assistance

Card A, or temporary protection in Belgium: how to extend the validity period and financial assistance

Refugees from Ukraine who came to Belgium must issue Card A - residence permit. Learn more about how to continue the document and apply for financial assistance in the country

20 Jan. 2023

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Finance Financial assistance from ZUS in Poland: what to do if the payment is refused

Financial assistance from ZUS in Poland: what to do if the payment is refused

Ukrainians who found refuge in Poland can count on financial assistance from the social insurance institution — ZUS. However, there are cases when the applicant receives a refusal to receive funds. Learn more about what to do in such a case and how to appeal the ZUS decision

20 Jan. 2023

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1 min

Transport How to issue a travel card in the Czech Republic: instructions for Ukrainians

How to issue a travel card in the Czech Republic: instructions for Ukrainians

To travel by public transport in Prague, you need to buy a ticket. Currently, there are several types of travel tickets in the Czech Republic. Find out where Ukrainians can buy a ticket for public transport in the country

19 Jan. 2023

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1 min

Krieg The war in Ukraine: what to do if you fall under the rubble

The war in Ukraine: what to do if you fall under the rubble

Unfortunately, today's realities in Ukraine require that citizens and guests of the country know all possible safety rules. Enemy shelling continues, so you should act in advance and protect yourself. Find out what to do if you are trapped

19 Jan. 2023

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