Über die Tour

Frankivsk is a city of many nations

Tour dates: daily

An informative walking tour of the historical part of Ivano-Frankivsk. Starting from the Ivan Franko monument - Cosmos cinema - School No. 11 - Nezalezhnosti Street - Union Hotel - Post Office - Cathedral - Sheptytsky Square - Bastion - Nyzova Street - City Hall - Armenian Church - Monument on the Vales - Potocki Palace - Synagogue - Philharmonic Hall - Mickiewicz Square - Polish Society Sokil - Ukrainian Society Sokil - Nezalezhnosti Street.

From its very foundation (1662), Ivano-Frankivsk has been home to representatives of various nations: Polish, Jewish, Armenian, Ukrainian, and later German. A walk along the pedestrianised Independence Street, where colourful cafes and restaurants are located. Vicheva Square with the largest fountain in the city, the central building of the Medical Academy built in eclectic style with a courtyard, a cosy and small square with a monument to Adam Mickiewicz, and the beautiful building of the Polish Sokil Society. Special attention should be paid to the fortress lane "Bastion", where you can see exhibitions of forged products or paintings, buy interesting souvenirs, and see how the glorious city of Stanislaviv was built according to the project of the famous Frenchman of Italian origin Francois Corassini, the central square of the city Market with its decoration and the highest point of the city - the Town Hall. During the tour, you will visit the memorable places of the peoples who lived in it: churches, the Cathedral of the Holy Resurrection, which is decorated with a five-tiered iconostasis, the Armenian Church, a synagogue, houses and schools.

The price is for an individual tour (1-10 people)

To book a tour for 10 people or more, please contact us.

The tour is conducted in Ukrainian, English, Polish, German.

5 Gründe, eine Tour zu wählen


Sehen Sie die gemütlichen, aufgeräumten Straßen von Iwano-Frankiwsk


Nehmen Sie eine Auszeit vom Alltag und tauchen Sie ein in die Atmosphäre der Stadt


Lauschen Sie den interessanten Geschichten unserer Stadtführer, die Sie bestimmt nirgendwo anders hören werden


Unsere Manager helfen Ihnen bei der Buchung und unterstützen Sie während der gesamten Reise


Die Tour ist individuell, so dass Sie sie für den Tag buchen können, der Ihnen am besten passt. Diese Tour ist nur für Sie

Key landmarks



Kosmos Kino - Schule Nr. 11 - Nezalezhnosti Straße - Union Hotel - Postamt - Kathedralenplatz - Sheptytsky Platz - Bastion - Nyzova Straße - Rathaus - Armenische Kirche - Denkmal auf den Wällen - Potocki Palast - Synagoge - Philharmonie - Mickiewicz Platz - Polnische Gesellschaft Sokil - Ukrainische Gesellschaft Sokil - Nezalezhnosti Straße.

What is included?

Professioneller Führer

Professioneller Führer

*From each purchased tour, we transfer 10% to the Ukrainian Refugee Support Fund. All profits from press tours are transferred to the reconstruction of Ukraine.