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01 Nov. 2022


How to stock up on drinking and technical water: useful tips and a map of pumping stations

How to stock up on drinking and technical water: useful tips and a map of pumping stations

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Support our team, which helps thousands of Ukrainians every day

The Russians continue to shell Ukrainian cities, damaging energy infrastructure facilities. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians are left without water every time after shelling. Previously, we told what to do if the electricity, water or gas supply went out. Today, we share useful tips on how to be prepared for the disappearance of water in your home.

How to prepare for a water outage?

In order to keep calm and be prepared for such critical situations, take care of the water supply in advance: it is important to have both drinking and technical water at home.

The minimum stock should be at least three days. If the water is stored for a long time, it cannot be consumed. Also, do not forget to periodically renew the water.

Amount of water for an adult

On average, one adult needs per day:

• 1.5-2 liters of drinking water;

• 10-12 liters of water for cooking and personal hygiene.

Where to find drinking water?

• Buy from the store. It is better to buy five-liter bottles;

• Owners of private houses can draw water from wells;

• Dial in the pump.

When there is no centralized water supply, pump stations become a real salvation. You can drink such water, but before using it, you need to boil it for at least 10 minutes.

You can find out where the pumping stations in Kyiv are located on the interactive map by following the link. It is worth noting that pumps that are temporarily not working due to lack of electricity are marked in red.

Fountains with drinking water in different cities of Ukraine (the list will be supplemented with new cities):

• Lviv;

• Khmelnytskyi;

• Ternopil;

• Lutsk;

• Vinnytsia.

It should also be remembered that water is needed not only for consumption and cooking, but also for personal hygiene, washing and cleaning. For this, it is necessary to make reserves of technical water.

Collect water from the tap and store it in plastic bottles, glass containers or buckets. We advise you to sign the bottles so as not to get confused, where is drinking water and where is technical water.

How to clean drinking water?

Water quality and purity must remain a priority. If you are in doubt about the quality of drinking water, purify it before consumption.

To do this, we advise you to purchase special tools in advance:

• filter-jug for mechanical water purification;

• tablets for rapid disinfection of water.

We will remind you! Martial law emergency preparedness is a strategic decision that will allow you to stay calm in critical situations. We advise you to familiarize yourself with tourist life hacks that will prevent you from freezing and starving in the winter in an apartment. More details at the link.