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05 Jul. 2022


Military registration of women from October 1: will it be possible for women to travel abroad during wartime and mobilization?




Military registration of women from October 1: will it be possible for women to travel abroad during wartime and mobilization?

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In accordance with the Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" and the Order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine dated 07.02.2022 No. 35 "On Amending the Order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine No. 313 of October 11, 2021", the acceptance of women to military record will begin on October 1, 2022.  Women aged 18 to 60 who have no contraindications due to their health and have a specialty or profession related to the relevant military accounting specialty will be subject to registration (for a complete list of specialties and professions, see the Order of the Ministry of Defense).

A woman who registers for the military will be considered conscripted and will be subject to the same rights and obligations as conscripted men. The status of conscript will involve being in the reserves of the armed forces, national guard, or other military formations.

By the way, military registration of women in certain specialties and professions is voluntary until October 1 and mandatory after the end of this transitional period.

Women on military registration can be called up for military service at any time, but at the moment there is no need to mobilize women (except for representatives of the most scarce military professions).

In this regard, many women who are subject to military registration are concerned about the limitations imposed on them by the status of a conscript, in addition to the possibility of being enrolled into military service. The most hotly discussed issue is the departure of conscripted women outside of Ukraine.

According to the law "On military duty and military service", the relevant categories of women are obliged: the relevant categories of women are obliged:

- not to change the place of actual residence (stay) from the moment of the announcement of mobilization,

- and in wartime, not to leave the place of residence without the permission of the head of the territorial center of recruitment and social support of the district (city) territorial center of recruitment and social support, the relevant heads of the SSU or the Foreign Intelligence Service;

This means that permission for women to go abroad is issued by the heads of recruitment centers in accordance with the law. In particular, such permission to leave may be granted to conscripts who are not subject to conscription for military service during mobilization for a period of up to one year, provided there are supporting documents. The full list of categories of persons who will be able to obtain such a permit is defined in Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization". For example, if a woman independently raises a child up to 18 years of age or has a child with a disability, etc., then according to Article 23, she must be allowed to cross the border of Ukraine.

Earlier the Ukrainian media circulated the alleged words of adviser of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Viktor Andrusiv to a sanctioned publication that there would be no ban on women leaving Ukraine. However, in addition to the dubiousness of the source of such information, the adviser does not clarify whether he means all women or only women on military record. Considering the above, it is logical to assume that women who are not on military record were meant. But the law clearly states about conscript women and the ban on them leaving.

Thus, the general rule prohibits the departure of conscripted women outside of Ukraine during the period of mobilization and martial law. However, certain categories of such women, defined by legislation, can still count on departure and postponement of military service. It is also worth noting that at any time the competent authorities of Ukraine can expand this list with relevant normative legal acts. And in general, in the event of the country's return to peacetime conditions, any women will be subject to conscription for military service only at their own will.

UPD: the former adviser to the Ministry of the Interior has already confirmed that the probable ban on traveling abroad will not apply to all women, but to those who will be registered with the military (see the link to the list of professions above).