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22 Aug. 2022


Ireland gives Ukrainian refugees free education in courses and scholarships

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Für Flüchtlinge



Ireland gives Ukrainian refugees free education in courses and scholarships

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At the meeting of the 17th of April, the Irish order approved a new program to help Ukrainian refugees - free education in courses and payment of scholarships.

In 2022/2023, for the first time, Ukrainians who live in Ireland and have taken refugee status can take part in the program. Miniger Osvyti, Professi Navich, Innovaty Tokovikh Doslіzhen Irlandai Simon Harris, saying, naszi in Irlanda Meshki, 0000 Ukrainians, all the stimane of the Life of the Country.

It is possible for the Post Leaving Certificate Courses program to have access to the certification course. The training is carried out from different disciplines: the agricultural state, the forest state, fishing, veterinary education and more. From the spring for the bezhentsiv, the course to become bezkoshtovnymi. There is also a scholarship for students. Zahalna її sum to become 6115 euros, crying out nі pennies will be a stretch of fate, shomіsyachno.

So earlier, the government of Ireland blabbed that the system of illuminating the country could accept 41,000 refugee students from Ukraine. Nearly 25,000 months for Ukrainian children were seen in the schools of the country.