3 min

Travel Tourist boom in Europe: how is European tourism recovering without Chinese and russians?

Tourist boom in Europe: how is European tourism recovering without Chinese and russians?

European hotels, tour operators, and airlines are currently hosting a record number of tourists, and neither russians nor Chinese are on the list. Find out how the European tourism industry has changed after the covid restrictions

27 Sep. 2023

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3 min

Der Weg zum Sieg List of reforms for Ukraine from the US: what conditions need to be met?

List of reforms for Ukraine from the US: what conditions need to be met?

Ukraine has received an official letter from the White House on the reforms that need to be implemented for the country's speedy European integration. Find out what the letter says and how the Ukrainian authorities have responded to the new conditions

27 Sep. 2023

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1 min

Travel Ukrainians can buy tickets to Finland with a 95% discount: what are the conditions

Ukrainians can buy tickets to Finland with a 95% discount: what are the conditions

A European airline has extended huge discounts for Ukrainians seeking asylum abroad. Find out more about how to buy plane tickets at a nice price

26 Sep. 2023

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2 min

Popular How much is the brand Ukraine worth: the impact of the war on the country's recognition and citation

How much is the brand Ukraine worth: the impact of the war on the country's recognition and citation

In recent years, Ukraine has become known around the world not only for its culture and history, but also for events that put it at the forefront of the global community. Find out how much the Ukraine brand is worth now and how current realities affect its popularity

26 Sep. 2023

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2 min

Documents Entry to Ukraine for Hungarian citizens: do foreigners need a visa in 2023?

Entry to Ukraine for Hungarian citizens: do foreigners need a visa in 2023?

Ukraine's land borders are open to foreign travelers. Find out more about how to get to Ukraine from Hungary and whether foreigners need a visa to cross the border

26 Sep. 2023

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2 min

Travel Tourism in the DPRK: North Korea allows foreigners to enter for the first time since 2020

Tourism in the DPRK: North Korea allows foreigners to enter for the first time since 2020

For the first time since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the DPRK is opening its borders to foreign tourists. Learn more about tourism in North Korea and what conditions the authorities have set for tourists planning to visit the country

26 Sep. 2023

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2 min

Popular Ukrainian Jaroslav Hunka: what happened and why did a political scandal erupt in Canada?

Ukrainian Jaroslav Hunka: what happened and why did a political scandal erupt in Canada?

A political scandal has erupted in Canada over the honoring of a Ukrainian who served in a German unit during World War II. Find out who Jaroslav Hunka is and why Anthony Rota was forced to apologize for his words

26 Sep. 2023

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2 min

Krieg Ukraine faces staff shortage in defense industry: where specialists have gone and what to do about it

Ukraine faces staff shortage in defense industry: where specialists have gone and what to do about it

The labor shortage in Ukraine's defense industry continues to grow. Find out why there is a shortage of personnel in the defense industry and what steps can help solve this problem

25 Sep. 2023

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