1 min

Popular Ukraine renamed 327 settlements as part of decommunization and de-russification

Ukraine renamed 327 settlements as part of decommunization and de-russification

As part of a large-scale decommunization and de-russification initiative, 327 settlements have been renamed. The move is part of a nationwide strategy to rid the country of the legacy of the Soviet and russian past. Learn more about the updated names of settlements

19 Sep. 2024

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2 min

Popular The most anticipated Ukrainian films of this autumn: top 10 film premieres

The most anticipated Ukrainian films of this autumn: top 10 film premieres

Ukrainian films not only reflect modern realities but also show deep philosophical and human themes. Autumn 2024 promises to be a truly eventful autumn for fans of Ukrainian cinema. Find out what new releases autumn has in store for us

19 Sep. 2024

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2 min

Ausbildung Poland opens evening schools for Ukrainian children: what will they study and how to enroll?

Poland opens evening schools for Ukrainian children: what will they study and how to enroll?

Starting in September, Ukrainian children will be able to attend free evening schools in four Polish cities. Here, students in grades 8-11 will be able to study basic subjects and participate in social activities. Find out more about the initiative and how to enroll

19 Sep. 2024

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3 min

Culture Restaurants, cafes and coffee shops in Ukraine opened by foreigners: what can you try there?

Restaurants, cafes and coffee shops in Ukraine opened by foreigners: what can you try there?

Sometimes restaurants in Ukraine become an example of how foreigners influence the Ukrainian gastronomic scene. Find out which famous Ukrainian restaurants were founded by foreigners and what flavor cultures they brought to Ukraine

19 Sep. 2024

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2 min

Travel How to get to Ukraine from Latvia in 2024: convenient routes, entry rules and useful tips

How to get to Ukraine from Latvia in 2024: convenient routes, entry rules and useful tips

Under martial law, Ukrainian borders are open to foreign visitors, and there are no restrictions on entering the country. However, you can only get to Ukraine by land transport, because the country's airspace is closed. Considering the complexity of the route, it is worth planning the trip in advance. Find out how to get to Ukraine from Latvia and what rules for crossing the border are relevant this year

19 Sep. 2024

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3 min

Transport Winterreifen in Europa: In welchen Ländern sind sie Pflicht und wann müssen sie gewechselt werden?

Winterreifen in Europa: In welchen Ländern sind sie Pflicht und wann müssen sie gewechselt werden?

In vielen europäischen Ländern ist es Pflicht, die Winterreifen vor Beginn der Schnee- und Eissaison zu wechseln. Darüber hinaus gibt es verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Winterreifenkennzeichnung, die von Land zu Land unterschiedlich sein können. Erfahren Sie, wann Sie Ihre Reifen wechseln müssen und welche Verwaltungsstrafen bei Nichteinhaltung der Vorschriften in den verschiedenen europäischen Ländern drohen

19 Sep. 2024

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2 min

Documents Digital Nomad visa in Portugal: differences from D7 visa and opportunities for Ukrainians with temporary protection / residence permit in Europe

Digital Nomad visa in Portugal: differences from D7 visa and opportunities for Ukrainians with temporary protection / residence permit in Europe

The Digital Nomad (D8) visa in Portugal is a great opportunity for remote workers and freelancers to live and work in the country. Find out what is special about this type of visa, how it differs from the D7 visa and how Ukrainians with temporary protection/residence permit can apply for a digital nomad visa

19 Sep. 2024

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1 min

Finance Ukraine seeks to reduce the gap between men's and women's salaries: what steps are to be taken

Ukraine seeks to reduce the gap between men's and women's salaries: what steps are to be taken

Ukraine wants to improve gender pay equality. To this end, the country has launched an information campaign. However, these are not the only plans to improve the situation with the gap between men's and women's salaries

18 Sep. 2024

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