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Transport Trains from Ukraine to Poland will run with changes even longer: new schedule for August and September

Trains from Ukraine to Poland will run with changes even longer: new schedule for August and September

Ukrzaliznytsia has extended restrictions on some flights to Poland due to repair work. Find out more about the updated schedule, additional transfers, and which routes will remain unchanged

12 Aug. 2024

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1 min

Travel Climbing Hoverla: An action for Ukrainians on Independence Day

Climbing Hoverla: An action for Ukrainians on Independence Day

Hoverla is the highest peak in Ukraine, and its ascent is a challenge for everyone. Find out how to celebrate one of the most important holidays in the place of strength with a unique Independence Day promotion from Visit Ukraine

12 Aug. 2024

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1 min

Transport Which EU countries have been recognized as the most dangerous for drivers?

Which EU countries have been recognized as the most dangerous for drivers?

Traveling in Europe can be dangerous for drivers, as some countries have a high rate of road deaths. Find out which routes to avoid and how to ensure your safety while traveling

12 Aug. 2024

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Für Flüchtlinge Extension of temporary protection in Poland and the CUKR residence card: conditions and who will not be able to use it?

Extension of temporary protection in Poland and the CUKR residence card: conditions and who will not be able to use it?

Starting from 2025, Ukrainians with PESEL UKR in Poland will be able to obtain a CUKR residence card, but not everyone will meet the requirements. Find out who will be able to use the new legalization mechanism and what conditions must be met to obtain the document

12 Aug. 2024

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Travel Green card for a car: where to buy and how much insurance costs in 2024

Green card for a car: where to buy and how much insurance costs in 2024

A Green Card is a necessary document for travelling abroad by car. In 2024, the online purchase of a policy has become more convenient and affordable. Find out more about current prices and how to buy insurance online

11 Aug. 2024

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Transport Kyiv has strengthened control over parking: how fines have increased revenues to the capital's budget

Kyiv has strengthened control over parking: how fines have increased revenues to the capital's budget

Parking inspections have been strengthened in Kyiv. Against this background, the city budget has started to receive significant amounts from fines. Find out how much the Ukrainian capital earns from violators

11 Aug. 2024

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Regeln für die Einreise What things are allowed and prohibited to carry across the Ukrainian border?

What things are allowed and prohibited to carry across the Ukrainian border?

Persons planning to cross the border of Ukraine should know the items prohibited for transportation. This will help to avoid problems. Find out more about the list of items that can and cannot be transported across the Ukrainian border with Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova

11 Aug. 2024

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Documents Where is the easiest way to get a Schengen visa and when is it needed: research based on the results of 2023

Where is the easiest way to get a Schengen visa and when is it needed: research based on the results of 2023

To visit Ukraine, some foreigners need to take a land route through Schengen countries. Find out which EU countries are most likely to issue a Schengen visa, what types of visas are available, and which one is required for a successful trip to Ukraine.

11 Aug. 2024

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