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Transport The EU wants to introduce common rules and fines for drivers: what will change

The EU wants to introduce common rules and fines for drivers: what will change

In March 2023, the European Union introduced common fines and regulations for all drivers in EU member states. Find out more about the changes

12 Mär. 2023

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Health Psychological assistance for Ukrainians abroad: free contacts

Psychological assistance for Ukrainians abroad: free contacts

The National Psychological Association launches a free psychological hotline for Ukrainians affected by the war. Find out more about the toll-free contacts and numbers in Ukraine and around the world

12 Mär. 2023

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Popular Hungary extends temporary protection for Ukrainians: details

Hungary extends temporary protection for Ukrainians: details

The Hungarian government has extended the residence permit for Ukrainian refugees. Find out more about the extension of the asylum for how long

11 Mär. 2023

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Veranstaltungen How ITB Berlin 2023 went: Visit Ukraine's impressions

How ITB Berlin 2023 went: Visit Ukraine's impressions

In this difficult time, Visit Ukraine once again took part in the ITB Berlin 2023 travel fair. We tell you why becoming a part of the event is important for us and the whole of Ukraine

11 Mär. 2023

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Transport Return car registration in Ukraine: who to contact

Return car registration in Ukraine: who to contact

Many Ukrainians were forced to go abroad and lost their car registration in Ukraine. In addition, the war did not affect the rules for registering new vehicles. Find out more about the terms of car registration, how to return the registration and the cost of services

11 Mär. 2023

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Finance New rules for paying benefits to Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic: what has changed

New rules for paying benefits to Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic: what has changed

The Czech parliament has supported the proposed draft law "Lex Ukrajina", which changes the rules for the payment of financial support for Ukrainians who have found refuge in the country. Find out more about the changes introduced

10 Mär. 2023

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Documents Transliteration rules have been changed: find out when your passport will be invalid

Transliteration rules have been changed: find out when your passport will be invalid

Starting in February 2023, Ukraine decided to harmonize the transliteration of all documents to a single standard. If there are any differences between the passport and the ID card, the document is considered canceled. Learn more about the new transliteration rules

10 Mär. 2023

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Für Flüchtlinge Return the overpayment: Poland to demand return of social assistance paid to Ukrainians

Return the overpayment: Poland to demand return of social assistance paid to Ukrainians

The Polish government is planning to return about 2 million zlotys (approximately $500,000) that refugees from Ukraine received unjustifiably. Here's what the problem is and what timeframe is given for the return of funds

09 Mär. 2023

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