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30 ноя. 2024


Термальные воды Косино: чем уникален курорт возле Карпатских гор?

Исследуй Украину
Туристы в Украине
Термальные воды Косино: чем уникален курорт возле Карпатских гор?

Термальные воды «Косино» ежегодно привлекают тысячи туристов со всех уголков Украины и ближних стран. Давно доказано, что термальные воды здесь имеют целебные свойства и уникальный химический состав. Узнайте все о «Косино» - его историю, уникальность и удобные маршруты, как туда добраться на портале Visit Ukraine

800 туров по Украине. Выбирай свой на Visit Ukraine
800 туров по Украине. Выбирай свой на Visit Ukraine

‘Kosyno is one of the most famous recreational complexes not only in Zakarpattia but also in Ukraine. The thermal resort is located in a picturesque oak grove in Berehove district, which is more than 200 years old. There are seven swimming pools with underground thermal and fresh water, a unique symbiosis of Hungarian, Ukrainian and Italian cuisines, Royal Saunas, Kneipp baths and much more. All the details about the thermal pool in Kosyno, its history, advantages and the most convenient routes can be found in the material on the Visit Ukraine portal.

What is the history of the Kosyno resort?

The history of Kosyno's thermal waters dates back to the 17th century, when the first mention of the healing properties of thermal waters appeared in local chronicles. They are most beneficial for the musculoskeletal system, as they are rich in calcium, magnesium, sodium and other useful trace elements. Thermal waters were actively used for health improvement in the late 20th century.

The modern thermal complex was opened in 2012. It combines modern functionality and ancient traditions. The highlight is a system of pools with water similar to underground water, the most famous of which is the Golden Health Tap. The water is kept at 40-45 degrees, which makes bathing especially comfortable. The source of this water is a geyser rising from a depth of 1190 metres. It was discovered in the 80s of the last century by Soviet geologists who were looking for oil deposits here.

Which pools are considered the most interesting in Kosyno?

1. The Emerald Pool - 35 metres long and 1.5 metres deep (here you can get expert medical advice or sign up for a massage).

2. H2O pool - 40 metres long and 1.2 metres deep - is suitable for active swimming and relaxation (there are two air massage frames and two air geysers); it also has its own record - the longest bar in Ukraine (27 m).

3. Children's pool with a depth of up to 0.5 metres and an octopus slide.

4. ‘Golden Health Crane’ with two hydromassage zones, “fast river” and “quiet river” attractions, 4 jacuzzi bowls along the edge of the pool and jacuzzi fountains in the form of traditional Transcarpathian drinks - beer, wine, coffee and palinka (Hungarian fruit vodka).

5. Yin-Yang pool, which provides for two baths - with cold and hot water, in each of which a person stays for 20 minutes.

Please note! It is recommended to swim in thermal pools for no more than 15-20 minutes three times a day.

What can you do in Kosyno?

In addition to thermal pools, guests are also offered:

- WELLNESS with a unique Garden of Stones - a truly paradisiacal relaxation and complete immersion in nature;

- Salt room using a halogenerator that saturates the air with sodium chloride ions (salt);

- Kneipp baths - shallow baths with cold and warm water, the bottom of which is covered with small stones;

- Royal saunas - eucalyptus, herbal, Roman, Hungarian saunas, hammam, salt fox hole, ice cave;

- comfortable hotel (you can book tickets here);

- a large water park;

- opportunities for gastronomic tourists.

What are the benefits of thermal pools?

1. Positive impact on health.

2. A wide variety of entertainment for different age groups.

3. Opportunities for active recreation.

4. Exotic music.

5. Availability of playgrounds for children.

6. A significant amount of useful microelements: magnesium, vanadium, copper, selenium, chlorine, chromium, zinc, potassium, sodium, calcium and iron (the most abundant are listed).

Who is benefited by the properties of thermal waters?

Pools are useful for all ages, but are recommended for health reasons for those who

- have diseases of the musculoskeletal system;

- has diseases of the cardiovascular system;

- has a nervous system disorder;

- have vascular diseases.

How to get to Kosyno?

From Uzhhorod:

If you want to travel by train, you will need to go to Mukachevo, and from there - to Kosyno (13 km). However, it is much more convenient to travel by bus - the journey will take a little over an hour. Find the current bus schedule and buy tickets here.

From Kyiv

By train to the following destinations:

- Kyiv - Solotvyno (departure from Kyiv at 15:58, arrival in Kosyno at 08:04).

You can also get to Uzhhorod or Mukachevo and then make a route from there (we recommend bus 17).

How to get to Mukachevo from the main points of Ukraine, we told you here.

Motorists should use the M06 Kyiv - Chop motorway.

From Lviv:

By train in the following directions:

- Zaporizhzhia - Solotvyno (departure from Lviv at 20:05, arrival in Kosyno at 05:18);

- Zaporizhzhia - Solotvyno (departure from Lviv at 00:01, arrival in Kosyno at 05:18);

- Kyiv - Solotvyno (departure from Lviv at 02:40, arrival in Kosyno at 08:04).

You can also use the services of regular buses, but their prices are much higher.

For those who want to see Mukachevo's Palanok Castle with their own eyes, improve their health in the thermal waters of Kosyno and taste traditional Transcarpathian wine, we offer a special tour on Visit Ukraine.

Take care of your incredible trip! Contact Visit Ukraine specialists (Telegram | WhatsApp) and get qualified and timely assistance in booking tickets, hotels, medical and car insurance, route planning and advice on the most suitable tours to meet your requirements.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

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Visit Ukraine Mini Hull Insurance – car insurance with extended coverage in Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Osago – compulsory motor third party liability insurance for cars with Ukrainian registration;

Visit Ukraine Tickets – bus and train tickets to/from Ukraine;

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