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2 min

27 Feb. 2022


Address of the President of Ukraine Zelensky to Belarus / 27.02.2022


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Address of the President of Ukraine Zelensky to Belarus / 27.02.2022

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky recorded a video message to the citizens of Belarus:

• Ukraine was attacked from the territory of Belarus on February 24: "Kyiv was attacked at 4 am. Someone has such a sense of humor. Like in 1941. And you were sleeping, brothers Belarusians. We don’t lie down for a moment, because we are fighting!

• Infidels fight against all people, against all living things: kindergartens, residential buildings and even against ambulances.

• Now in the war, Belarus is not on the same side with Ukraine, as it was during the Second World War.

• Today, at a referendum, Belarusians decide who to be: "How to look into each other's eyes, look into the eyes of your neighbors. We are your neighbors! Be Belarus, not Russia!"

Watch full video with English subtitles.