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25 Okt. 2022


New rules for staying in Poland from January 2023: important changes for Ukrainians

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New rules for staying in Poland from January 2023: important changes for Ukrainians

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

The conditions of stay for Ukrainian refugees will change in Poland - the country is planning to amend the Special Law on assistance to citizens of Ukraine. From 2023, refugees will begin to cover part of the costs of living in places of collective accommodation and must apply for a PESEL number.

Mandatory registration and exit control

According to the new rules, Ukrainians who entered Poland after February 24, 2022 must apply for a PESEL number (Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności - number of the general electronic population registration system).

The corresponding project also recognizes the electronic document available in the Diia.pl application (equivalent to mObywatela for Ukrainian refugees) as a residence permit.

Also, according to the amendment, the certificate of temporary protection will entitle a person to cross the Polish border without the need to obtain a visa multiple times.

In addition, the departure of refugees from Poland will be controlled by the Social Insurance Office (ZUS) and other municipal institutions. In this way, the Polish authorities plan to avoid the non-targeted payment of financial assistance. Institutions will have access to information on the dates of each entry and exit of Ukrainian refugees from the territory of Poland.

Refugees will pay for their accommodation in places of collective accommodation

From February 1, 2023, Ukrainians who will stay in Poland for more than 120 days will have to cover 50% of the cost of their accommodation. The amount will be no more than PLN 40 per person per day.

In addition, from May 1, 2023, refugees who will stay in Poland for 180 days will have to cover 75% of the costs. The amount will be no more than PLN 60 per person per day.

The obligation to pay for accommodation will not apply to disabled persons, children, persons of retirement age, pregnant women, persons with children under one year, guardians of at least three children, as well as persons in a difficult financial situation.

Residence of orphans in Poland

According to the amendments, compensation in the amount of 40 zlotys per day will be paid for the accommodation of children from Ukraine who lived in foster families or orphanages before being evacuated to the country, and received a temporary guardian in Poland, with the possibility of increasing this amount in individual cases.

We will remind you! Ukrainian refugees with children can participate in the Polish Family 500+ program and receive additional assistance. More about this at the link.