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28 Dez. 2022


How to return money from an ATM or terminal after a power outage: step by step instructions

How to return money from an ATM or terminal after a power outage: step by step instructions

Emergency power outages continue to operate throughout the country. The light can disappear at any time, including when you replenish the card or just insert it into the terminal. Find out what to do if your card and money are left in the terminal during a power outage

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Ukrainians continue to suffer due to emergency power outages. This always happens on time, in particular, when using an ATM. We tell you what to do if your card and money are left in the terminal during a power outage.

Situations during ATM operations may be different. Electricity may disappear at the moment when you top up the card or just insert it into the terminal.

What should you do if you encounter such a problem? explanation of PrivatBank

1. immediately call the hotline 3700 to block the card and apply for a refund;

2. inform the number of the terminal, its address, the deposited amount and the approximate time of the operation;

3. after you leave the application and the money is transferred in the terminal, the undelivered funds will be returned to your card.

The above-mentioned algorithm applies to "Privat" clients. What should customers of other banks do if their card is left in the PrivatBank ATM?

• it is necessary to call the bank that serves the card and ask to block it, explaining the reason (your card will not go anywhere, it will remain in the ATM);

• your bank must send an application to "Privat" with a request to verify information about the operation;

• after verification, the funds must be returned to the reissued card.

PrivatBank assured us that after removing the card from the ATM, the cashier destroys it by the cutting method, making it impossible to use it further.

It is also worth noting that, in addition to ATMs, cash can be withdrawn at other points. For example, in supermarkets, branches of "Ukrposhta", "Nova Poshta", pharmacies and gas stations.

We will remind you! Previously, the National Bank published a list of branches that will work even in conditions of long-term blackouts. Read more at the link.

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