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11 Jan. 2023


Cost of living in Denmark: rent, utilities, monthly expenses and medicine

Cost of living
Cost of living in Denmark: rent, utilities, monthly expenses and medicine

The standard of living in Denmark is much higher than in most countries of Southern Europe. Find out more about the cost of renting a house, utilities, food and entertainment in the country

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

The standard of living in Denmark is one of the highest in the world, but its cost is also very high, even by European standards. Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, ranks 11th among 227 cities in the world ranking of the cost of living, which was compiled by the international company Mercer. Aarhus is also among the top 15 most expensive cities in the world. Life outside of Copenhagen or Aarhus is not that expensive, but it is not cheap either.

Such a high cost of living in the country is compensated by high salaries, as well as free medicine and the education system.

The official currency in the country is the Danish krone, but for a more convenient comparison, the prices in this article are shown in euros.

The budget of a married couple who will settle in Copenhagen should be from €2,800 per month. In Aarhus or Odense, you should expect 2500-2700€ per month.

Housing rent and utilities

You will spend a large percentage of your monthly budget on housing rent. Before looking for an apartment, carefully consider its location. Denmark is a small country, it is much cheaper to live outside the big cities, and the road to the central part of Copenhagen will not take much time. In contrast, housing in Copenhagen is expensive and scarce, given the city's small size and popularity. A one-room apartment on the outskirts of the city will cost from 1300€ per month, in the central part about 2000€. In Aalborg or Odense, you can find housing for €1,000 per month.

When renting an apartment, you should expect to pay an initial deposit. Its amount is the equivalent of three months' rent. Also, some landlords may ask to pay additional rent three months in advance.

Utilities are usually not included in the rental price. Fees for water, heating and electricity are approximately €120-150 per month. Internet - 20€ per month.

Cost of food in Denmark

Products in Denmark are usually expensive. However, due to careful budget planning, costs can be minimized. Try to buy local seasonal products and avoid imports. You can also save a lot of money by shopping at budget supermarkets such as Bilka, Lidl, Netto, Fakta or Aldi.

There are food markets in Denmark where you can buy natural farm products. There are also markets for shoes, clothes, flea markets, as well as various fairs and exhibitions.

Meat, wine and cigarettes are the most expensive in the country. Potatoes and onions are about €1 per kilogram. Fruits - within 2€ per kilogram. A bottle of water – 2€, milk (1 l) – 4.5€, bread – 2€.

Depending on your expenses, a married couple will need between €400 and €500 per month to buy groceries.

Cafes and restaurants in Denmark

Lunch in an inexpensive restaurant will cost you 15€, dinner for two in a middle-class restaurant - 80€.

The cost of travel

A ticket for a single trip in public transport costs €3, you can save if you buy a monthly pass - €55.

Calling a taxi is 6€ and 3.5€ for each kilometer. Waiting for a driver for a passenger is very expensive - about €60.

Gasoline is expensive in Denmark, 1 liter of fuel costs €2.

Denmark is a country of bicycles, there is everything here for moving on this type of transport. In fact, there are 4.5 million bicycles in the state, that is, almost one for every inhabitant of the country.

Entertainment and sports

An hour of training on the tennis court on a weekend costs from €25. A monthly subscription to a fitness club is €35.

A ticket to the cinema is €15.

Medical services

Denmark has a comprehensive healthcare system that includes both public and private clinics. If you work in Denmark, you will be entitled to public health insurance, which means free visits to doctors and hospital treatment.

However, dental care is paid. There is also a co-payment of 25% to 50% of the cost of prescription drugs.

Without medical insurance, the cost of medical services is very expensive, a one-time consultation with a doctor from 250€. That is why, for a trip to Denmark, we advise you to have travel insurance, because it is a guarantee of your safety and a peaceful stay outside of Ukraine.

We will remind you! Ukrainians who have found asylum in Denmark can apply for temporary protection and receive the right to live and work. Learn more about the conditions for obtaining temporary protection in Denmark at the link.

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