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02 Mär. 2023


How Ukraine is perceived abroad: the first professional analysis

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How Ukraine is perceived abroad: the first professional analysis

Ukraine has presented the first comprehensive analysis of the perception of our country abroad. It also contains recommendations for the development of Ukraine's national brand. Learn more about the results

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Order branded Visit Ukraine merchandise and support Ukraine (worldwide delivery)

After the outbreak of full-scale war, the world looked at Ukraine and Ukrainians differently. Now our country is identified with courage, bravery, struggle and love for its land.

The NGO BrandUkraine, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and funding from the European Union, has prepared a report on the perception of Ukraine in the world in 2022. This is the first analysis based on information from international analytical companies. The document contains key indicators of recognition and advice on how to develop your own national brand.

How is Ukraine currently perceived abroad?

In 2022, Ukraine's brand has significantly strengthened: Ukraine's recognition has increased by 44%, influence - by 24%, and the brand strength indicator has increased by more than 5 points. It should be added that our country was in the center of media attention around the world.

The attitude towards the country's leader has also changed. Foreigners have shown extraordinary affection and respect for Volodymyr Zelenskyy and have recognized his contribution to Ukraine's victory. According to the data, President Zelenskyy is the most popular foreign politician for US citizens and the second most popular for British citizens.

Key indicators of Ukraine's perception in the world

The report shows Ukraine's performance in the ratings and indices of national brands of countries, as well as the number and tone of news about Ukraine in the world media.

We have highlighted the most interesting data:

 Ukraine was googled 7 times more often in 2022 than in 2014;

 More than 50 million articles about Ukraine were published by global online media;

 More than 75% of the population of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the EU followed the news from Ukraine on social media;

 66% of Europeans approve of our accession to the EU;

• 71% of the world's population supported Ukraine in the war. In the United States, public support is 85%, in Europe - 80%;

• Ukraine ranks 47th in the Global Brand Perception Index.

A nation of heroes, a democratic country, and a member of the European family are the most common brand attributes in 2022 in foreign online media. Governance, exports, and people are the components of Ukraine's brand that have improved in global perception in 2022, according to the Anholt-Ipsos National Brand Index.

Foreigners associate Ukraine with war

Residents of different countries, including China, India, Turkey, and the UAE, were asked to describe Ukraine in three words. The most frequently mentioned words were "war", "beautiful", "brave" and "people".

The full text of the report can be found here.

As you know, during the year of full-scale war, not only the perception of our country by foreigners has changed. Ukrainians themselves have also changed. During this time, each of us has rethought our existence. Read our article to find out how a year of full-scale invasion has changed the citizens of Ukraine.

Our products and cooperation:

Visit Ukraine Tours is the largest online database of tours in Ukraine for every taste;

Visit Ukraine Merch - patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery;

Visit Ukraine Tickets - book airline tickets to anywhere in the world, as well as bus and train tickets;

Cooperation – cooperation and advertising integrations with the Visit Ukraine and Visit World projects.

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