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15 Mär. 2023


Artists leaving Ukraine: the government amends the rules

Artists leaving Ukraine: the government amends the rules

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy has prepared amendments to the procedure for artists, creators and journalists to travel abroad. Find out more about who will be able to travel abroad

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An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

Minister of Culture and Information Policy Oleksandr Tkachenko said that now, in order to enter the country, cultural figures must confirm the presence of military registration in their organization, contracts, and submit a report upon return. The head of the Ministry of Culture said this during a telethon.

According to Tkachenko, the ministry has developed changes to the procedure for the departure of artists, creators and journalists, which have several key points. 

Those wishing to leave Ukraine must provide:

• confirmation that their organizations have military registration;

 contracts stating why they are traveling;

 reports on the results of the trip;

The minister noted that if the trip involves promoting the country or fundraising, a report must be submitted afterwards, just as in the case of diplomatic visits. 

Departure can be authorized for only 60 days.

It is not yet known when the relevant changes will come into force. We will inform you about it later. Stay tuned for updates.

We remind you! During martial law, Ukraine has special rules for traveling abroad. However, the risk of a humanitarian crisis has passed, so only certain categories of Ukrainians are allowed to travel without a passport. Read our article to find out what documents you need to cross the border and other important details.

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