Ukrzaliznytsia has scheduled additional trains for Easter and May holidays: list of routes

On the occasion of Easter and the May holidays, Ukrzaliznytsia announced additional flights across Ukraine. Find out more about the routes planned for the holidays
"Ukrzaliznytsia" has scheduled a number of additional trains for Easter and May holidays. Here are the routes that will be available.
According to the carrier's press service, tickets will be available for Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv, Kryvyi Rih, Dnipro, Kovel, and Kharkiv.
For convenient travel on the occasion of the holidays, UZ has introduced the following additional trains:
• Train No. 115/116 will run to Odesa and back on April 2, 9, 15 and 17. Departure from Kyiv is at 07:19, from Odesa - at 10:23.
• Train 191/192 will run to Lviv and back on April 1, 2, 9, 15 and 17. Departure from Kyiv is at 07:47, from Lviv - at 11:40.
• Train No. 175/176 will run to Kryvyi Rih and back on April 2, 9 and 15. Departure from Kyiv is at 06:18, from Kryvyi Rih - at 11:57.
• Train 179/180 will run to Dnipro and back on April 2, 9 and 15. Departure from Kyiv is at 07:34, from Dnipro - at 11:00.
• Train No. 197/198 will run to Kovel and back on April 15 and 17. Departure from Kyiv is at 06:27, from Kovel - at 11:45.
• Train No. 163/164 will run to Kharkiv and back on May 2. Departure from Kyiv is at 08:01, from Kharkiv - at 11:27.
• Train #167/168 will also connect Lviv with Odesa and vice versa on April 1, 2, 9, 15, 17. Departure from Lviv is at 08:50, from Odesa - at 10:14.
Tickets can already be purchased online in the Ukrzaliznytsia app, chatbot and on the website, as well as at the ticket offices of the stations.
We also remind you that train tickets can be purchased on our website - follow the link and choose tickets for the desired destination.
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