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19 Mär. 2022


Safety rules for girls and women crossing the border

Für Flüchtlinge



Safety rules for girls and women crossing the border

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The Ministry of Social Policy together with the Government Commissioner for Gender Policy initiated the development and distribution of leaflets to prevent human trafficking for girls and women crossing the state border in connection with hostilities in Ukraine .

When crossing the border, remember: there are criminal gangs that can take advantage of your vulnerability. They can deceive, blackmail or use violence to restrict your freedom and force you into labor or sexual slavery.

Three levels of your safety

  1. Document security:

Never give your passport or documents that identify your child to anyone. Present them only to border guards during passport control. Make copies, scan or take a photo of your passport and your child's documents in advance. Send them to yourself by e-mail or save them on your phone.

  1. Safety of movement

Carefully plan the route of your trip.

Try not to get in a car to strangers

If you still need to get in a car to strangers, take a picture of the license plate and send it to your loved ones

  1. Security of communication

Do not give your mobile phone or other means of communication to anyone.

Be careful not to blindly trust random stranger women. They may also be involved in human trafficking

Agree with your loved ones on a code word. Or a sign that will mean danger and a need for help

Inform your loved ones daily about your location and the offers you receive (for example, about settlements, employment, paperwork, etc.).

If you suspect that you have fallen into the hands of traffickers, call 112 (EU emergency line)

Free anti-trafficking hotline of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine 0-800-505-501

Telegram chat bot to help women when crodding the border

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