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15 Apr. 2022


Is it possible for citizens of the Russian Federation to enter Ukraine during the war?




Is it possible for citizens of the Russian Federation to enter Ukraine during the war?

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At the moment, there is no direct ban on Russian citizens entering Ukraine. However, there are a number of rules that Russian citizens must follow to enter Ukraine during the war.

1. Citizens of the Russian Federation traveling to Ukraine should remember that all checkpoints on the border of Ukraine with the Russian Federation and Belarus are closed. You can get to Ukraine only through third countries. At the same time, citizens of Ukraine who are in these countries and want to return home will be able to enter Ukraine safely and unhindered.

2. In accordance with the agreements, there is a visa-free regime between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. However, in order to cross the Ukrainian border, Russian citizens need to have a foreign passport, as entry into Ukraine with domestic (Russian) passports was abolished in 2015. According to the decision of the National Security and Defense Council, Ukraine has introduced enhanced biometric control at the border, especially for citizens of countries included in the list of migration risk, which includes Russia.

3. From January 1, 2018, entry and exit from Ukraine is carried out according to foreign passports containing a contactless electronic chip. Foreigners and stateless persons who do not have biometric passports will be able to visit Ukraine with ordinary foreign passports. However, in this case, fingerprints will be taken at border checkpoints and entry-exit checkpoints.

4. The decision of the National Security and Defense Council requires foreigners and stateless persons coming from countries of migration risk to register their place of residence / stay on the territory of Ukraine. In other words, Russians are required to register with the authorities at their location.

5. The only document required for Russians to cross the Ukrainian border is a passport with a validity period that covers the time of travel. However, the following documents may be required to enter Ukraine:

- guarantee of return to Russia (for example, a return ticket)

- paid tourist voucher

- proof of solvency

Entry and stay of foreigners on the territory of Ukraine is carried out with sufficient funds or the opportunity to legally obtain these funds. The audit of financial support is carried out by authorized officials of the State Border Guard Service selectively, ie there is always a possibility that you will not have to prove your solvency.

The calculation of the amount of money required to live in Ukraine is made according to the formula:

FS = ((20 × SL) ÷ 30) × ND + 5), where

FS - sufficient financial security

SL - subsistence level per person per month

ND - the number of days spent in Ukraine

According to the method of calculating the minimum amount that a Russian must have to visit Ukraine, the size of the subsistence level established on the day of his entry into the country is taken for calculation.

Holders of residence permits in Ukraine, minor children, diplomats, refugees, as well as tourists during a tourist trip are exempt from passing the financial audit. To confirm the availability of sufficient financial support, other categories of citizens of the Russian Federation can present :

- cash in hryvnia or other convertible foreign currency

- bank cards, statements and checks from ATMs

- letter of guarantee of the host party on the commitment to pay all expenses of the Russian, related to the stay in Ukraine and travel abroad

- confirmation of booking or payment for accommodation and meals

- contract for tourist service (voucher)

- travel ticket for return to the country of residence or to a third country with a fixed date

6. According to Ukrainian law, the maximum period of visa-free stay in the country for citizens of the Russian Federation is 90 days within 180 from the date of first entry. In other words, out of six month, Russians can stay in Ukraine for three months, after which they must leave the country. You will only be able to re-enter in 90 days.

7. The procedure for crossing the Ukrainian border by minors is similar to the procedure for entry of adult citizens of the Russian Federation. To visit Ukraine, a child of 14 years and older must have his / her own passport. Younger children can enter the country based on their parents' documents, for which they must be entered in the foreign passport of the father or mother (a photo of the child is required).

Children travel to Ukraine with only one parent without the written consent of the father (mother). Exceptions are those cases when an application was issued to prohibit the child's departure abroad. However, the notarized consent of parents is required when a minor travels abroad accompanied by relatives or third parties.

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