Super Tuesday 2024: who got closer to the US presidency and who will withdraw their candidacy

Primary elections were held in the USA in 15 states and one territory of the country at once. According to the preliminary results, it has already become clear who can get the presidential nomination from the Democratic and Republican parties. Learn what Super Tuesday is and why it is so important to the nation's electoral system
On 5 March, the United States of America held Super Tuesday, a primary election that usually determines the candidates for the US presidential election from the Democratic and Republican parties. Here's how the voting went and who received support in 15 states and one territory of the country.
What is Super Tuesday?
Super Tuesday is a key day in the US election campaign, when primary elections and caucuses take place in several states simultaneously. This day is crucial for the presidential candidates of the major political parties - the Democratic and Republican ones - as it is during Super Tuesday that a significant part of the delegates who will support a particular candidate at the national party conventions are determined.
On this day, candidates can significantly strengthen their positions in the race for the nomination or, conversely, lose voter support, which often becomes a turning point in the election campaign.
Super Tuesday does not have a fixed date, but usually falls in February or March of the election year. The number of states participating on this day can vary from election to election (this year, 15 states and one US territory), making it a particularly important and predictable event. Candidates spend months preparing for this moment, as success on Super Tuesday can significantly increase their chances of receiving the party's presidential nomination.
Each vote awards the top-ranked candidates with what are known as delegate votes, which are then officially cast at the conventions of both parties this summer.
This year, the Republicans have only 2429 delegates. To be declared the winner of the nomination, the party's candidate must collect at least 1215 delegates.
The Democratic Party has 3934 delegates this year. This means that the winner of the nomination must receive at least 1968 votes.
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How Super Tuesday 2024 went: results
According to preliminary data, former US President Donald Trump won 14 of the 15 states in the Republican Party by a large margin. According to media reports, his candidacy was supported in Virginia, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Maine, Texas, Alaska, Arkansas, Alabama, Colorado, Minnesota, Massachusetts, California, and Utah.
In Vermont, his party rival, Nikki Haley, won. However, according to journalists, she has virtually no chance of receiving the party's nomination.
After counting almost all the votes during Super Tuesday, CNN writes that Trump receives the votes of approximately 961 delegates out of the 1215 required (preliminary results), Haley - 86.
According to The Wall Street Journal, Haley will announce her withdrawal from the presidential race today and call for votes for the last Republican candidate, Trump.
Joe Biden took the lead in the Democratic Party, winning in California, Virginia, North Carolina, Maine, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Arkansas, Alabama, Colorado, Minnesota, Iowa, and Vermont.
The current US president won all primary elections, except for American Samoa, where he lost to a little-known candidate, businessman Jason Palmer.
According to CNN estimates, Biden already has 1501 delegates out of the 1968 needed (preliminary results) to be nominated for the presidency.
US presidential election
Republicans and Democrats will decide on their presidential candidates by 15 July and 19 August, respectively.
Election day in the US is scheduled for 5 November 2024. By 6 January 2025, the votes must be counted in Congress, and on 20 January, the president-elect will be inaugurated.
We remind you! A relatively recent poll showed that Americans are more sympathetic to Zelenskyy than to the current and former US president. Read here to find out how American citizens feel about Ukraine and military support now and which of them continue to consider russia an ally.
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