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02 Mai. 2022


Where to receive free medical care for refugees in Slovakia?

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Where to receive free medical care for refugees in Slovakia?

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Temporarily displaced Ukrainians in Slovakia are entitled to free medical care. However, the list of available free services depends on the status of the applicant.

💊 Those who have not received the status of temporary protection are entitled only to free emergency and necessary medical care provided by hospitals that have a contract with the General Medical Insurance Company (Všeobecná zdravotnая poisťovňa). Also, such persons can get a prescription for medication from a family or attending physician, but the cost of the drug is not reimbursed. 

💊 Those who have already applied for temporary protection but have not yet received it are entitled to urgent and necessary medical care, as well as medical care recommended by a doctor during the examination. Emergency care is provided by emergency outpatient services and reception centers of central hospitals. Contacts of institutions throughout Slovakia can be viewed at www.e-vuc.sk.

💊 Those who have received temporary protection in Slovakia are entitled to the same free medical services as citizens of the country: medical care, the need for which is determined by a doctor; free medicines, medical products and dietary food. Medical services are provided with a certificate of temporary protection. Contacts of institutions and pharmacies can be found on the same website.

Medical insurance is required only in the case of employment with an agreed income of not less than the minimum monthly wage - 646 euros. In this case, insurance can also be issued for minor children who have temporary protection in Slovakia.

Useful contacts:

Healthcare line for Ukrainians: + 421-221-025-075

Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa (General medical insurance company): 0-850-003-003

For general questions (operators speak Ukrainian): + 421-513-816-111 / + 421-259-765-111

Emergency medical consultation in Ukrainian: + 421-221-025-075, daily from 7:00 to 19:00 (consultation is free) or on the website https://ua.diagnose.me/diagnoseme/uk/ 

Assistance to cancer patients from the public association "Lymfom": https://lymfom.sk/ 

Infoline for patients with HIV and tuberculosis: + 421-907-923-122

How the medical system works in Slovakia

The following system of medical care operates in Slovakia:

🩺The patient should be assigned to a general practitioner (for adults, children and adolescents), specialized doctors - gynecologist and dentist, as well as others, if required by such specialists.

🩺 You can get to other narrow specialists free of charge under the direction of primary care physicians.

🩺 You can seek emergency medical care without a referral.

Doctors provide care according to the medical district in which the patient is registered. You need to choose a general practitioner for yourself and your child and sign a contract with him / her immediately after receiving the status of temporary protection. You can find an institution where the patient can be served here, and find a doctor and make an appointment here. During the first visit, you must indicate that you are a new patient.

If there are no free doctors nearby or the doctor refuses to admit you, you need to submit an electronic application to the local government and contact other specialists.

The doctor may refuse for the following reasons:

- excessive load;

- personal relationship with the patient or his legal representative, which may affect the objective assessment of the patient's health;

- personal belief of the doctor contradicts the beliefs of the patient (relevant only in matters of abortion, sterilization or assisted reproduction).

You can change your family doctor no more than once every six months. In case of termination of the contract, the former doctor must be informed in writing by sending a message to his postal address or e-mail. The new doctor has the right to request a copy of this letter.

During the first visit, the general practitioner conducts a basic examination and determines the following steps in the treatment of the patient: treatment of the patient at home / laboratory and other studies / hospitalization / referral to specialists / prescribing drugs and more.

To get to the narrow specialists for examination, you need to get a referral from a general practitioner, the so-called "exchange card". It does not have an expiration date, but it is better to follow the deadlines recommended by your doctor.

No referral required for:

- visit to a psychiatrist, dermatovenereologist, ophthalmologist (in case of glasses),

- further examination by a specialist,

- treatment 24 hours after a sudden change in health,

- regular monitoring of a patient with a chronic disease,

- preventive outpatient treatment.

Also, a GP may prescribe a referral for hospitalization if the patient needs medical care for more than 24 consecutive hours. However, the patient has the right to apply for hospitalization on their own.

Patients' rights are set out on the website of the Central Government of Slovakia.

Free medical care and preferences for Ukrainians

List of free medical services for Ukrainians who have received the status of temporarily displaced persons in Slovakia:

- emergency medical care in public hospitals;

- consultations with a general practitioner - for adults, children and adolescents, as well as gynecologists, dentists and some other specialists, if necessary - for adults;

- prevention of diseases and vaccinations in accordance with the Slovak vaccination calendar, including - continuation of vaccinations made in Ukraine;

- examination, collection of anamnesis, preparation of a treatment plan, referral to laboratory, instrumental or professional examinations and other assistance recommended by the attending physician during the examination;

- primary medical examination for children going to school;

- medical supplies (such as needles, syringes or bandages) in a hospital or clinic needed to provide medical services;

- emergency dental care from clinics listed on the resources www.skzl.sk/stomatologhelp and www.stomatolog.help;

- psychological assistance at the number 0-800-193-193;

- prescription drugs; generic drugs for the treatment of chronic diseases, provided that failure to provide medical care can lead to deterioration of health and further damage to health;

- help for people with disabilities from the association Plamienok www.platformarodin.sk/poradenstvo/ukraine;

- care in case of chronic diseases, including dialysis, oxygen therapy, chemotherapy, specific treatment of asthma, echocardiography for chronic autoimmune diseases.