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04 Apr. 2024


International Register of Losses: detailed instructions on how to apply via Diia

International Register of Losses: detailed instructions on how to apply via Diia

You can now submit a claim for compensation to the International Register of Losses through the Diia app. Here's what documents you need to prepare and how the application process works

Legal assistance for Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad
Legal assistance for Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad

On March 25, it became known that Ukrainians would be able to file claims to the International Register of Damages for damage caused by russian aggression. And on April 2, in The Hague, as part of the ministerial conference "Restoring Justice for Ukraine," it was announced that the international Register of Damages had been technically launched and that applications were being accepted. The conference also approved the rules and regulations of the Register, including the rules for submitting, processing and entering claims and the list of categories of claims to be included in the Register. For more details on what documents are required and how to file a damage claim, please see the article below.

Who can apply to the International Register of Damage?

The Register will be opened gradually, as of April 4, applications have been accepted for individuals of Category A3 - "Claims related to loss of property, income or livelihood", namely A3.1: "Damage or destruction of residential real estate".

In total, the international registry will accept claims from affected individuals, legal entities and the state of Ukraine in 40 categories. The categories of claims include: loss of life, torture and sexual violence, as well as bodily injury, forced displacement and forced resettlement of persons, loss of property and income, other forms of economic loss, damage to critical infrastructure and other state facilities, damage to historical and cultural heritage, environmental damage and other categories determined by the Registry Board.

Each category has a claim form approved by the Registry Charter. An application for the first open category (A3) can be submitted through the "Diia": mobile application (App Store / Google Play) or web portal.

Please note! Before submitting an application, you need to update the Diia application.

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Documents required to submit an application to the real estate damage register

To apply for the Category, you need to fill out a step-by-step form in Diia and have a property damage report. This act must be obtained from the local authorities, and the document must record the damage. To do this, a person must file an application with the police - both in case of destruction and in case the house was robbed, and contact the SES if there was a fire. Visit Ukraine's lawyers advise that all cases of property destruction should be recorded in photos and all possible evidence of the damage should be collected. 

How to report damage to Diia: step-by-step instructions

1. Go to the Diia app from your smartphone or website and log in.

2. Select the "Claim for damages" item.

2. Click "Select a property" - submit an application.

3. Fill in the data on the property ("Diia" pulls data from the registers - check the information or update the data in the register if necessary) - click "next".

– section "ownership" (you must enter the date of acquisition of ownership);

– section "residents of the dwelling" (click on whether you lived in the dwelling);

– section "circumstances of damage" (you must write down all the details of the damage and the date when it happened);

– section "evidence of damage and cost of damage" (provide all the data from the damage report; "Diia" pulls up acts and reports from the Register of Destroyed and Damaged Property, in case of absence of certain acts, the documents can be added manually in the following steps);

– section "amount of compensation" (here you need to specify the amount of repair costs, market value, the desired total amount of compensation) 

– section "contact details" (here you must provide your contact details and attach additional documents if necessary).

4. Check the data and sign the application with an electronic signature.

The main task of the International Register of Losses is to receive and process claims and evidence, classify and systematize such claims, evaluate and determine the suitability of claims for inclusion in the Register and register acceptable claims for the purpose of their future consideration and adjudication.

If you need legal assistance on the conditions and rules for traveling abroad, the process of submitting or collecting documents, appealing decisions or other legal issues, please contact the Visit Ukraine legal team. Follow this link to order a consultation or full legal support from a lawyer.

We remind you! Unfortunately, the war continues and an increasing number of Ukrainians are facing the consequences of hostilities and missile attacks by the russian federation. Our lawyers told you how to act if your home was damaged or completely destroyed as a result of the russian invasion. Read more about the algorithm of actions and the eRestoration program in our previous article.

Photo: Ministry of Digital Transformation

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

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