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24 Nov. 2024


Latvian authorities approve amendments to the law on supporting Ukrainians: what will change?

Für Flüchtlinge
Latvian authorities approve amendments to the law on supporting Ukrainians: what will change?

Latvia will continue to support Ukrainian refugees, while the amount of assistance will change slightly and Ukrainians themselves will receive new opportunities. Learn about the key changes in social assistance and the legal status of refugees from Ukraine in Latvia

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An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside Ukraine

The Saeima of Latvia has made important decisions to support Ukrainians who have found refuge in the country. According to Delfi, the Seimas Commission on Defense, Internal Affairs and Prevention of Corruption approved amendments to the law on support for Ukrainian refugees.

Budget to support Ukrainians in Latvia and the amount of payments

The total amount of planned expenditures to support Ukrainian citizens in Latvia for the next year is 65 million euros. The Ministry of Social Security guarantees municipalities full reimbursement of expenses for the payment of assistance to Ukrainian refugees.

In addition to the standard compensation for accommodation and food costs for vulnerable categories of the population, as well as the cost of medicines, it is planned to increase the amount of one-time crisis assistance:

● For adults: 377 euros (previously 343 euros)

● For children: EUR 264 (previously EUR 240)

Another important innovation concerns the residence permit for Ukrainians. Instead of the previous two years, refugees will be issued a residence permit for three years. This decision is aimed at reducing the administrative burden on both Ukrainians and the Department of Citizenship and Migration.

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Social guarantees - the main changes

It is also reported that refugee children aged 7 and older will be eligible for a social security certificate. Support will be provided until the age of 19.

The validity of Ukrainian travel documents has been extended until February 28, 2026. This means that even if a travel document has been overdue, it will remain valid until the specified period.

Changes for medical personnel from Ukraine in Latvia

Medical personnel from Ukraine, including doctors and pharmacists, will have to confirm their knowledge of the state language at the B1 level after three years of work in Latvia. In 2024, this will apply to 142 doctors who arrived in 2022.

All these changes are aimed at creating more comfortable conditions for Ukrainian refugees and simplifying administrative procedures.

We remind you! Citizens of Ukraine who have refugee status in Latvia usually work in various sectors of the country's economy. Read more about the most popular industries and what percentage of Ukrainians are engaged in low-skilled work in our previous article.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

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