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11 Dez. 2024


Obtaining international protection in Poland: what innovations await Ukrainians?

Für Flüchtlinge
Obtaining international protection in Poland: what innovations await Ukrainians?

Due to the migration crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border, the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Poland has decided to introduce a number of changes to the current legislation. Learn about the reasons for the draft law and the changes it will bring for Ukrainians

Legal advice on migration issues
Legal advice on migration issues

In 2021, Belarus, with the support of Russia, initiated a migration crisis on the border with the EU, involving the organised movement of large groups of migrants across the Belarusian-Polish and Belarusian-Latvian borders. Currently, Poland is ready to take legislative action to resolve this issue. The leadership of the Republic of Poland is considering amendments to the Law on International Protection. According to InPoland, as of 10.12.2024, the amendments developed by the Ministry of the Interior have not yet been approved. Read more about what will change for Ukrainians in the article on Visit Ukraine.

Read moreabout how to leave Ukraine for Poland now, before the new rules come into force, here.

What changes will migrants face?

1. Legislative approval of the concept of ‘instrumentalisation of migration’ is planned.

Just a reminder! Instrumentalisation of migration is the use of migration processes by the state for its own purposes.

2. At certain sections of the border, restrictions may be imposed on the acceptance of applications for international protection. The preliminary restriction is set for 60 days and can be extended.

You can find out the difference between international protection and temporary protection here.

3. Attention is paid to the protection of vulnerable groups of migrants.

4. Individual approach to each application for international protection.

5. It is planned to submit separate applications for members of the same family at the border areas where restrictions will be in force: the application of the person belonging to the vulnerable category will be considered.

Also, starting from January 2025, Ukrainians can apply for a CUKR residence card in Poland. Read about the benefits you will receive on the Visit Ukraine portal.

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6. Refugee status may be revoked in the following cases:

- the person poses a threat to the national security of Poland;

- a person has been convicted of a particularly serious crime.

To recap. Poland has adopted a new migration strategy until 2030. Labour migrants and war refugees will face changes. Details are available here.

If you face any problems when crossing the border or want to avoid potential delays during migration, please contact Visit Ukraine specialists for advice. We guarantee assistance at all stages of migration - preparatory, legislative, housing and employment.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

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gestellte Fragen
What caused the migration crisis on the Polish border?
In 2021, Belarus, with the support of Russia, initiated a migration crisis on the border with the EU, involving the organised movement of large groups of migrants across the Belarusian-Polish and Belarusian-Latvian borders.
What is “instrumentalization of migration”?
For how long can applications for international protection at the Polish-Ukrainian border be limited?
Will it be possible to apply for international protection in Poland on behalf of a family?
In what cases can refugee status be revoked in Poland under the new legislation?

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