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19 Sep. 2022


Ukraine allowed a second booster dose and vaccination of children against COVID-19




Ukraine allowed a second booster dose and vaccination of children against COVID-19

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Help our volunteers who support Ukraine and all foreigners in the country 24/7

The Ministry of Health has approved an order introducing changes in the vaccination system against the coronavirus disease COVID-19. From now on, a second booster dose is allowed for all adults if 4 months have passed since the first booster dose. It is also allowed to vaccinate children over 12 years old.

"So that as many people as possible can protect themselves from hospitalization and death as a result of COVID-19, we allow a second dose for everyone, but we especially advise people with chronic diseases and people aged 60+ to do it", - stressed the chief state sanitary doctor Ihor Kuzin.

New vaccination schemes:

• CoronoVac can be used as a booster shot after other vaccines. That is, after the basic course of vaccinations with one dose of Janssen vaccine or two doses of CoronaVac or Pfizer vaccines;

• The minimum time between the basic (primary) course of vaccination and the booster dose has been reduced. If previously it was possible to do a booster 6 months after the primary vaccination, now - after 5 months;

• The second booster vaccination is given 4 months after the first booster vaccination to adults from the risk group of a severe course of COVID-19;

• It is allowed to vaccinate children aged 5-11 years with the Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine with parental permission.

As you know, earlier in Ukraine, vaccination of children aged 12 and over was allowed.

Almost 5 million CoronaVac vaccines, 400,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine, and 30,000 doses of the Janssen vaccine are currently available in Ukraine for adults.