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03 Okt. 2022


Paid internship in the European Parliament: How to apply




Paid internship in the European Parliament: How to apply

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

If you have dreamed of getting an internship at the European Parliament for a long time, the Schuman program began to operate on October 1, which allows you to do so.

The internship process takes place in one of the official workplaces of the European Parliament - Brussels, Luxembourg, or Strasbourg. Places are also available in other members of the European Parliament where offices are located.

Robert Schuman is one of the main authors of the European integration project and the founders of the mechanism for creating the European Union.

During the paid internship, practical skills and knowledge in the field of EU internal and external policy, finance, administration, infrastructure, logistics, information technology, etc. are provided. An internship will improve your education and professional level. This will allow you to understand the working methods of members of the European Parliament.

Any candidate can apply, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or religion, as well as the presence of a disability.

Requirements for applying:

• age from 18 years;

• citizenship of an EU member or a candidate country for accession (Ukraine is a candidate for accession);

• having a university degree;

• perfect level of one of the official languages ​​of the EU and a high level of another (for citizens of candidate countries - English, French or German);

• provide a certificate of no criminal record;

• not to have worked or trained for more than two consecutive months in an EU institution;

• not to go to study at the Secretariat of the European Parliament six months before the start of the internship.

The application period is from October 1 to October 31, 2022.

The internship period is from March 1 to July 31, 2023.

Applications are accepted at the link.

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