2 min

Travel EU postpones ETIAS launch again: new implementation date

EU postpones ETIAS launch again: new implementation date

The European Union has suspended the launch of a new border control system tentatively until 2025. Find out more about when the system is planned to be launched and what is standing in the way

25 Sep. 2023

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2 min

Transport Fines for traffic violations: why a driver's license may be revoked in Poland

Fines for traffic violations: why a driver's license may be revoked in Poland

Ignorance of the traffic rules of Poland can lead to serious consequences for the Ukrainian wallet. In some cases, it can even lead to the deprivation of a driver's license. We will tell you why you can be deprived of your driving license in Poland

25 Sep. 2023

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3 min

Travel Independent travel: 6 trends revolutionizing the modern world of travel

Independent travel: 6 trends revolutionizing the modern world of travel

Regardless of gender or age, more and more people are choosing to travel solo, exploring the world on their own. Find out about the 6 most important trends in solo travel that are defining the modern world of travel and contributing to the recovery of global tourism

25 Sep. 2023

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge Ireland may oblige Ukrainians to pay for living in the country: what is known

Ireland may oblige Ukrainians to pay for living in the country: what is known

Irish officials are calling for equality in the treatment of vulnerable groups. Thus, the government is considering the possibility of requiring employed Ukrainian refugees to pay for housing. Find out more about when Ireland may charge Ukrainians for accommodation

24 Sep. 2023

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1 min

Travel Singapore Changi Airport plans to allow traveling without passports: details

Singapore Changi Airport plans to allow traveling without passports: details

The world-famous Changi Airport in Singapore plans to introduce a simplified passenger control system. In particular, it will allow traveling without passports. Learn more about the innovation and benefits for travelers

24 Sep. 2023

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2 min

Popular Hardest countries to get citizenship in the world 2023

Hardest countries to get citizenship in the world 2023

There are many countries in the world where it is difficult for foreigners to obtain citizenship, but there are several countries where this document is almost impossible to obtain. Learn more about the requirements, timelines and peculiarities of the naturalization process in these countries

24 Sep. 2023

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Documents Traveling to Ukraine: do Spanish citizens need a visa in 2023?

Traveling to Ukraine: do Spanish citizens need a visa in 2023?

Spanish citizens can enter Ukraine on the basis of a visa-free regime, but in some cases, they will still need to apply for a visa. Find out all about the current rules for entering Ukraine and other useful tips for foreigners

24 Sep. 2023

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Krieg UAF breaks through the defense near Verbove: what is the importance of the settlement and where are they going next?

UAF breaks through the defense near Verbove: what is the importance of the settlement and where are they going next?

The General Staff of Ukraine confirms that the russians have broken through the defense in Zaporizhzhia region near the village of Verbove. Find out why this settlement is important for further counteroffensive and what prospects the breakthrough opens up

24 Sep. 2023

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